Alignment of hives in the apiary
Location of hives in the apiary: how do.
Some instructions for placement of bee houses there.
But professional beekeepers, based on its experience gained, Still trying to follow certain rules.
Alignment of hives in the apiary carried out in the spring.
After the first housing swap arrangement bees can not.
It is best to perform the alignment as well, the fall. Because insects remember, where they flew, and can confuse their homes, if they are in other places.
If the site a lot of space and you do not need to save, can set a home for insects at a distance 3-4 m rows.
But beekeepers say, this method is not the best, as a beekeeper in a lot of work during melozboru and have to carry stock beekeeper for yourself, going from hive to hive.
Experienced beekeepers are advised to perform staggered arrangement.
This one house placed next to another, but so, to the front wall was in line with the back wall of another hive.
Read: How to play separate Bee .
That is like a house deep in between two other hives.
Often used group method, in which are placed together 3-6 hives.
Beekeeper thus easier to care for their families and carry equipment.
Read: Notch barriers for hives: Location, dimensions
Need, to direct sunlight did not fall in bee houses.
It is advisable to land on the south side high annuals: buckwheat, corn or sunflower.
They create shade and will prevent overheating housing. Not just planted plants to insects dwellings, distance should be 2-3 m.
pay attention, best, to notch insects were not opposite paths and places, where people often go.
Otherwise insects during flight will be constantly faced with people.
This is very annoying toilers, people and it causes discomfort.
It should set benchmarks, no time to insects flew into the wrong house.
For this young insects flags of different colors at different heights snags.
If you do not, you risk to spoil the "purity" of the family, as at times hives are exposed to outsiders.
Best option is to install hives notch southwest.
Morning insects do not wake up too early and not go for nectar. In accordance, do not freeze in early spring.
At the same time this arrangement prevents hives late departure, when notch directed north.
Read: Designs framework for bees
At noon on the notch is not exposed to direct sunlight. All this has a positive effect on the health of bees and harvest honey.
Do not place the houses opposite each other eyes. This causes confusion.
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