Recipes for cough with honey

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Various beekeeping products effectively help from such a common and very unpleasant disease as cough, including honey.


  1. Cough and bronchitis
  2. Honey care
  3. receptions
  4. Manufacture and application of compresses

Cough and bronchitis

Cough is the most common symptom of respiratory diseases. It can be dry, annoying, compressive, suffocating, etc.. And today we will focus on bronchitis.

Persistent unpleasant cough, chest pain, dyspnea, difficulty breathing, fever and even back pain. Such are the symptoms of bronchitis, which can be acute or chronic.

The disease is usually mild, but in debilitated patients or those, who suffers from chronic lung or heart disease, treatment of bronchitis can be difficult. More serious complications can occur, sometimes pneumonia.

Acute bronchitis – a disease, which most often occurs in winter and usually, is part of a nasopharyngeal infection. It usually appears immediately after a cold or viral illness, which have not been treated properly, after which the bronchi are affected by another infection.

This disease is caused by viruses, and bacteria, it is quite unpleasant and needs careful treatment.

Often the disease is accompanied by fever, which can last for several days. If the fever persists longer, the symptoms do not disappear, and treatment takes more than a week. In this situation, the appearance of pneumonia cannot be ruled out, as a complication.

In allergy sufferers, acute bronchitis can be caused by an allergen, resulting in bronchial obstruction, in which the patient has difficulty breathing. Allergic bronchitis is usually accompanied by fever and wheezing.

Chronic bronchitis – it is a long-term problem with breathing and persistent cough. Chronic inflammation occurs mainly in adults. In children – in case of congenital defects, such as alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency, and so on.

Походження хронічного бронхіту не є інфекційним, but is a constant irritation of the respiratory tract, especially in smokers. Other reasons include hard work.

The symptoms are similar to an acute condition, but here it is present mostly dry, irritating mucous strong cough, especially in the morning.

Sometimes mucus is coughed up, which is painted brown. May contain dust particles, by-products of smoking. The patient is often tired, may have pale blue skin color.

Honey care

It's raining outside, and at home, vice versa, dry overheated air – situation, which often ends, eventually, unwanted colds. There is one more recommendation from our grandmothers – drink a glass of warm milk with honey at bedtime, and the symptoms soon disappear.

Milk must be of good quality, example, from this

Annoying cold, cold, cough and inflammation of the nasopharynx are fairly common problems, which can torment not only us, but above all our descendants.

Such a necessary night's sleep is interspersed with coughing, which mainly affects the quality of sleep of the whole family. What are you talking about?, before going to the doctor? You prefer special medicines or proven folk recipes?

Honey saves from infections of the upper respiratory tract

Although it is used in the fight against cough for a long time, scientists have confirmed its positive effect only in recent studies. The World Health Organization also spoke in favor of its use (WHO).

Israeli scientists have also published their research, during which the effect of bee products as a cough remedy in children aged from 1 to 5 years.

The researchers studied 300 children, who had inflammation of the upper respiratory tract for less than one week. Young patients were not included in this group, suffering from asthma or other serious diseases, manifested by coughing.

To combat the symptoms of the disease, half an hour before bedtime, some subjects were given a bee product, and some – placebo. Eucalyptus variety was used, citrus and lime. As a placebo – спачний напій з фініків.

What are the results?

All the honey varieties used eased the cough more, than date syrup. And although the syrup also softened the throat, in subjects, which was given honey, the symptoms passed much faster and easier.

The results of this study only confirmed the findings of scientists from the University of Pennsylvania.

In a similar study in 2007 year, university staff examined children from 2 to 18 years and stated the usefulness of honey in the fight against cough in comparison with commonly used drugs, containing dextromethorphan.

This substance is potentially toxic, and in the treatment of young patients has previously been ineffective. In the study 2004 year (his results were published in the journal Pediatric, during which scientists observed the course of the disease and the quality of sleep in children from two to eighteen years) this substance, contained in free access drugs, showed the same results, as a placebo.

Inexpensive drug option

However, it is not yet known for sure, why this bee product is so good in treatment. Scientists believe, that the secret may lie in antioxidants, what it contains.

In any case, research results have shown, that it is really safe, effective and, eventually, inexpensive substitute for factory drugs.

It is recommended as a treatment for respiratory infections and associated sleep disorders. The exception is, Of course, patients younger than one year.


Ginger for immunity

We need:

  • ginger root close 7 cm,
  • one small peeled lemon,
  • 3 tablespoons honey
  • 1 medium bulb.

Finely chop all solid ingredients, mix with bee product and place in refrigerator. The mixture will release juices. Medication should be taken by 3 teaspoons a day.

Egg medicine

WITH 9 lemon juice prepare. Add well washed 2 eggs directly in the shell and leave them to lie in the juice, until the shell is completely dissolved.

Then add 200 g honey, egg yolks two more eggs and 250 ml brandy. Mix well and strain. Pour into a container and close. Take 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

Recipe for bronchitis with aloe and honey

To prepare this recipe, need 100 fig. oils, 100 g of lard, 100 g honey, 50 r cocoa and 2 Article. tablespoons aloe vera juice.

Thoroughly mix the first three ingredients. Then add the cocoa, aloe juice and mix well again. Take this remedy should be one teaspoon before main meals – add it to the milk. The combination of aloe and honey helps and perfectly cures bronchitis.

Cough syrup from black radish with honey.

This recipe is the simplest, fast and at the same time, apparently, most effective. The only drawback is its short effect and then, that it works best fresh.

Wash the radish well, Clean, rub on a fine grater and carefully squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Add one tablespoon of a good bee product, mix thoroughly – the medicine is ready.

For treatment, take half a spoon before each meal. The syrup can be used as a medicine to boost immunity, in this case, take only one tablespoon a day.

Manufacture and application of compresses

Compress with honey for children – effective means, which is used for coughs and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, when it is necessary to accelerate the outflow of mucus.

You will need:

  • copper;
  • meal;
  • vegetable oil;
  • gauze;
  • napkins;
  • patch.

Mix the flour with a small amount of bee product, pour in vegetable oil. Add the flour again. You should get a mixture, similar in consistency to ointment. Apply the medicine on a napkin and wrap it in gauze.

Put the compress on the chest above the heart. Adults can be kept up all night, no more is recommended for children 2-3 hours. For a long-lasting effect, it is recommended to use the product for several days in a row.

Use only for older children 6 months. Compresses should not be used, if you suffer from skin diseases.

Cough cakes with honey and mustard

Such drugs – it is a kind of gentle compress, which is suitable for children of any age, as well as for allergy sufferers.

You will need flour to make it, vegetable oil, honey and mustard powder – one tablespoon.

Mix all components. Place the mixture in the oven for five minutes, until a fairly thick dark mass is formed. Pull it out, divide in half and wrap in polyethylene. The cake is ready.

This tool is put for several hours (2-3 no) on the bronchial zone (the upper part of the chest above the heart) or on the back in the lungs. It is recommended to lubricate or oil the skin before use, or moisturizer.

That the cake remained in place, it is recommended to fasten it to the body with a bandage or cloth, and cover yourself with a warm blanket during therapy.

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