Mead with zabrusu: Recipes for home

Mead with zabrusu: recipes for the home environment.

Recipes from mead there are many zabrusa.

This low-alcohol drink, by fort occupies a middle position between kvass and wine.

It is pleasant to taste, aromatic and healthy, at least as completely natural.

Depending on the recipe of the mead may include a variety of products.

Unchanged there are only zabrus honey and clean water.

Other components may vary. There may include fruit and fresh fruit, spices, hop.

IS mead recipes with yeast. Each of these components gives the drink a certain taste, special piquancy and originality.

Color is also changing, from amber yellow to various shades of red.

strength mead – поняття розтяжне. Normal infusion does not contain a lot of alcohol. It is more refreshing drink, than alcohol.

If the finished product is added zabrusa ferment and leave, it increases strength.

As this drink consists of natural ingredients, shelf life he limited.

  1. Recommendations
  2. recipes medovuhi
  3. Since yeast
  4. With hops

General recommendations for all recipes

Essentially, with all the mead prepared just zabrusa. Therefore, these recommendations may include any of them:

  • Water should always be clean. If possible, better to use a key or wells. To prepare this fluid should be at room temperature.
  • The more honey in the recipe, so the finished product will be sweeter. in addition, it will increase the strength and future infusions.
  • For more clean and noble taste better to use water slide. It provides free access without carbon dioxide, formed during fermentation and prevent oxygen, which can cause oxidation of the product.
  • If the room temperature, which plays mead, will be low, it will gurgle slowly, and if much high, the process is rapid.
  • On average, the fermentation process takes about 10 days. Maturation beverage ends, when bubbles cease out of the tube.
  • The mixture should be filtered, pour into containers, preferably glass and put in a cold and dark place.
  • Keep mead also need a cold.

Following these recommendations, it is possible prepare mead one of the recipes, presented below.

Який з них вибрати – справа тільки особистого смаку. And best of all try. Variety is always interesting.

Recipes from mead zabrusu

This version of the drink with pure honey flavor and a pleasant little sharpness. Although the process of cooking takes some time, but it's worth it.

Need the following ingredients:

  • 10 liters of clean water;
  • 3 kg zabrus;
  • 1,5-2 kg of honey;
  • 0,5 kg of any fruit.

Cooking can be described as follows:

  • Take sufficient capacity;
  • Fill it with water and put back zabrus and berries;
  • Mix everything and leave to ferment. The beginning of the same process will be marked by the appearance of foam;
  • Then put the cylinder in a moderately warm room about 10 days;
  • Then dissolve honey, add it to the bowl and then leave it for re-fermentation;
  • When fermentation is over, The resulting liquid is drained into another container, filtered through gauze;
  • Pour into bottles and put in a cold and dark place.

Since yeast

This drink less sweet, the taste of this tincture zabrusa closer to the unfiltered beer or kvass.

Alcohol content in it less, than in the previous mead recipe. Cook it quite easily.

With the necessary ingredients:

  • 10 liters of clean water;
  • 1,5 kg zabrus;
  • 1 kg of honey;
  • 3-4 tablespoons yeast;
  • spices: cinnamon and nutmeg.

Preparation is the so:

  • It is necessary to boil the water and dissolve in it honey zabrus.
  • Remove the cap out of foam.
  • In the mixture, when it has cooled slightly add spices and yeast.
  • Leave before the end of fermentation.
  • When the process is over, filter.
  • Drain it, published in the prepared clean and dry container.
  • Put the cold.

Read more: brew with honey.

With hops

This is another variation of the drink, Now with a specific bitter-sweet taste, because of content in it hops.


  • 10 liters of clean water;
  • 1,5 kg zabrus;
  • 2 kg of honey;
  • 3 tablespoons yeast;
  • a handful of hop cones.

Technology of this mead:

  • In a large container to boil water, added copper and zabrus;
  • Completely dissolve components, remove foam;
  • In hot liquid and add hops a little cool;
  • In a separate bowl dissolve yeast and then add them to the solution;
  • Ask for further digestion;
  • At the end of the process strain;
  • Pour into suitable containers and put in a dark cool place.

mead з забруса – рецепт, which came from antiquity, but still popular.

This wonderful drink has all the properties of products, many of which have medicinal. A good he is and the, that it can always be modified.

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