Propolis from fungus toenails
Propolis tincture from fungus toenails.
Propolis – This bee glue, who recently used in various areas of traditional medicine.
It should be noted, that propolis for outdoor use since ancient times been used in folk medicine, and should say, is very effective.
This experience has been taken up by scholars of modern times and introduced into widespread use.
Why propolis treatment nail fungus – it is not only possible, but also an effective method?
The point is, that bees use propolis not only as a glue, but also as a means to combat:
- infection;
- parasites;
- fungi.
We are the most important last point. turns, substance stops the development of the fungus and removes it.
Otherwise hive be covered from within the mold, and bees be dead.
Of course, There are a variety of fungi, but experiments have shown, that propolis tincture of nail fungus works and helps.
Reviews of the effectiveness of product can be found on the web.
nail Treatment
propolis tincture from nail fungus used most often elderly.
The point is, fungal parasites that take root in the most relaxed, old body.
There are many remedies for fungus.
If you go to a pharmacy, You can marvel at their range.
But the fact, many of them can not go to a person.
Every body in this sense, a very specific.
That is why resort to treat nail fungus propolis, as it is considered truly versatile tool.
so, what helps. As you know, for the treatment of respiratory diseases produce 10% infusion.
But in this case will need a more concentrated product, namely 20% infusion.
Making tinctures
There are two options: aqueous and alcoholic tincture. The aqueous solution is elementary.
Initially frozen propolis, then rubbed on a grater with small holes, then it can withstand a water bath.
Coming medication is filtered and cooled, Now they are ready for use (recommended read reviews).
Tincture is available over the counter. If there is a desire to make the drug at home, you need insist propolis in proportion 1: 5 to alcohol.
Next filter. The resulting solution is impregnated cotton wool and pryliplyuyut it to the damaged nail plate overnight.
The effect is noticeable after several applications.
Propolisna bathroom
In some cases considered, that put tampons are not very effective.
Then resort to other, more effective way. This is a propolisni bath.
Often the method used in nail plate problems on one or two legs.
The proportion is very easy: at 3 liters of water poured 20-30 ml infusion.
Water should be the, To keep your feet safely. Once the water has cooled, legs need to remove and put on warm socks.
Pour hot water can not be!
Further, it is recommended to clean nails and feet. But it should be done very carefully, because very often there are cases, When the elderly rizalysya razors while trying to cut their own skin or nail growths.
Better ask someone not to risk.
Oil propolis, ointment
Assist the fungus and other means, containing propolis. Example, Often it comes to creams and oils.
Of course, in some cases they are effective, than drugs, described earlier.
But there is one thing – these drugs can not make at home.
They are sold in pharmacies, but their high cost.
Ointment with propolis very effective. Above all, it remains on the affected area for a long time.
Alcohol solution quickly weathered, resulting nail recovery is quite slow.
Oil propolis operates faster than ointment, but it is more expensive.
You can use a combination of. Example, nowadays very popular mix: Propolis plus tea tree oil.
This combination provides a miraculous effect, as the combined action of two components.
As a result, your nails are healthy only 10 days.
An important plus, you can spread this mixture feet and put socks, and then get to work.
Drugs do not give an unpleasant smell and do not spoil things.
hygiene Rules
If you decide to treat yourself fungus, it must be remembered, it has the ability to spread through the body.
If you are infected leg, they can get sick and hands. So you need to carefully monitor the cleanliness of clothing and footwear.
Frequently change socks. Use antiseptic and disinfecting agents.
Only a set of all these measures together with treatment can bring absolute result.