Species bees krayinka
Species bees krayinka: features and reviews beekeepers.
Today there are more than twenty thousand species of bees.
Each of them adapted to a particular habitat.
Say, which most species honey, can not, since it depends not only on the type, but the surrounding conditions.
So, krayinska breed of bees is found mainly in the Alps, This is its natural living conditions.
Features kind
This breed is divided into the following subtypes: Alpine Karnik, Pannonian karnyka etc.. d. By spreading krayinski bees occupy third place, before them Italian and Caucasian.
In almost never have the hive propolis, because cells are white. These insects are very hard working and loving, despite the fact that when you open the hives are very restless.
Taurus them has a dark gray color, the average weight of conventional cancer – 185 mg, drone – close 230 mg, and fetal uterus – 205 mg. Proboscis has a length of 6,4 to 7 mm.
Krayinka belongs to a class of bees shirokolapyh. Egg reaches the uterus 2000 eggs 24 years. Sometimes there may be cohabiting females. Species adapted to mountainous areas with cool climates.
Reviews beekeepers
The only negative breed – This family roylyvist. Growing brood begins with the onset of pollen trick first and then increases very rapidly.
For experienced beekeepers is not a problem, as they originally prepared for a large family.
But in the opinion of the, who knows little about the details of this type, they face difficulties, due to the large family, as necessary to expand the hive.
In general, for these bees hive best set of vertical expansion sockets. .
Krayinsku breed bees often referred to as Italian subspecies breeds.