Perge diabetes
Perge diabetes: benefit, accepting?
Perge bee – unique product, used in the treatment of many diseases.
It is very common is diabetes.
Unfortunately, This sickness is found not only in adults, but also in children.
As is ambrosia and bee products containing glucose, there is the question of whether its application.
Perge diabetes allowed, because it contains valuable sugar.
Properties bee bread
These drugs strengthen the immune system and reduce stress on the pancreas. In accordance, people, using insulin, will gradually reduce the dose of the hormone.
After 6 months use possible full cancellation of insulin. Because the contents of a large number of enzymes and amino acids bee bread increases metabolism.
In accordance, pancreas begins to work actively.
The composition of bee cerago:
- lysine;
- phenylalanine;
- methionine;
- tryptophan;
- minerals;
- vitamins C, F, E, PP.
Traditional medicine has denied the benefit of agents for diabetes, but healers cured many patients with this disease.
Usually taking bee bread with herb. This burdock root, milkweed, calendula.
How to take diabetes?
It all depends on, that the pressure in the patient. If hypotension and normal pressure product administered after a meal.
Bit dissolve better product. So it is completely absorbed, and the absorption of nutrients begins in the mouth.
If the patient has hypertension, ambrosia that is required to, as a person sits to eat.
It is advisable to eat medicines 30 minutes before meals.
Need to take 1 teaspoonful 3-4 times a day.
It should be noted, that ambrosia diabetes 2 type can be used to treat children.
Although a product of beekeeping, it does not cause allergies, ambrosia therefore be given even to infants.
Since diabetes is a disease of the endocrine system, then it needs a cure time.
Some people take a few years ambrosia, to lower blood sugar.
in addition, Bee bread allows clean jumps in blood glucose, which prevents coma. These drugs cope impotence, which is often the companion of men with diabetes.