Heating bee
Heating Bee: How to choose, what better
In some areas winter very strict.
Therefore, beekeepers have to use not only external insulation hives, but inside.
Heating bees can be carried out with special instruments or purchase homemade.
Heater bees not only helps improve family, but also reduce feed intake.
It, in turn, helps do sverhrannoho flyby. So, gut of insects are not overloaded, hives and diarrhea will.
But in the wild bees once heated?
So, really, If you look at the behavior of bees in the winter, can be seen, that they get off to heat a ball and stay in this state.
This allows them to maintain a high temperature in the hive. But in northern latitudes freezes huge number of wild bees.
Undoubtedly, the most popular are electric heaters. They are in tension 12 In the heat and can beehive.
Electric heating is carried out at the bottom of the house, the device is shaped plates. Coverage may vary heaters.
in addition, they have a thermostat for bees.
Прилад Прогальского – дорогий спосіб обігріву. But over time the price justified.
With this device you can control not only the temperature, but humidity.
Also, the device used to heat several hives at once.
Electric Bee framework can be. This design, made in the form of ordinary frames hundred.
The cost of these devices is low, but if you want you can make yourself.
Read more: Knife beekeeper.
The easiest way to make a bottom hole hive and paste the bulb, wrapped in foil.
Серед недоліків такого обігрівача – відсутність можливості регулювати температуру.
It must constantly monitor and celebrate, to prevent overheating.
If you'd like to make an improved model, this takes a piece of slate and drill holes in it.
As used nyhromovyy heater wire. He concluded between rows.
Plate clamped between two insulating plates. Top concluded galvanized sheet. To take rivet clamp.
also read: How to make the most nucleuses Bee.
As you can see, simple device. To ensure a constant temperature value, using thermostats.
This heat sensors, that disable the device with excessive temperature rises.
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