Why does the carpet need dry cleaning? Types and methods of cleaning, stages of work
Dry cleaning of carpets – service requested, despite its by far the most affordable price. Specialized companies clean all types of carpets and rugs, while the quality of work is high, regardless of the venue, after all, it is practiced to provide services at home.
Dry cleaning of carpets – the perfect solution for the modern busy person
Why clean with professionals?
Specialized dry cleaning of carpets – it is a set of measures, aimed at cleaning any type of carpet from dust, dirt, bacteria. In some cases, disinfection is possible. On ones own, without special equipment, chemicals and the ability to use all this to clean the carpet at home will not work.
Dirty carpet not only spoils the mood and impressions, but can also become a carrier of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
Regular dry cleaning of carpets and rugs is able to extend the life and maintain an attractive appearance of the coating for many years. Just vacuuming, even the most powerful, will not be able to remove all dust and dirt. Particular difficulties with quality cleaning arise in:
- Offices and public places, where there is a carpet and high passability.
- Anywhere, where continuous coatings are used, carpet cleaning is quite difficult to implement.
- Carpet cleaning in places, where they are used a lot, – it is a long process.
- In domestic conditions, if you want to achieve a perfectly clean coating, example, if there is a small child in the house.
"" Here they are one of those, who does quickly and efficiently.
Types of cleaning
Professional dry cleaning is of these types:
- Moisture.
- Dry.
Both types can be used at home or in the walls of the office, for any type of carpet, but only by a professional using special carpet cleaning equipment.
pay attention! Carpet cleaning in the office – it is a necessary action to create a positive image and impression of the company.
Wet dry cleaning of carpets at home – this is a technique, according to which the carpet is treated with special detergents. They easily remove all contaminants, regardless of their age. The chemical solution reacts with the surface of the pile and each individual villi and pushes out dirt. After this instantaneous reaction, the tool is removed from the carpet surface with an extractor.
Many companies, which provide dry cleaning services for carpets and rugs, offer as a natural detergent, hypoallergenic drugs, which do not have a negative effect on the body of humans and animals. Given the, that companies, offering similar services, many, cleaning prices are quite affordable. Although find out in advance, how much is a carpet dry cleaner, still needed.
After performance of works on dry-cleaning of cows and strips the customer receives ideally pure and fluffy bedding, as if only from the store. In terms of execution, this dry cleaning takes longer. With their own hands, at home, even with the best means such a result cannot be achieved.
Dry dry cleaning of carpets – this is a service, which will save time and money, after all, it is implemented faster and at a lower price. Plus, the technique is the most gentle. The essence of dry cleaning of any carpets by the dry method – in spraying a special foam, which can penetrate deep into the carpet. This method is especially useful for carpets with long pile, after all at a damp method of a covering it is necessary to dry also.
After application, the foam remains on the coating for some time, for its active components to take effect. After that, it is cleaned with a special vacuum cleaner. The dry technique has several advantages, including:
- The price of the warehouse, which forms a foam, not high, naturally, to the question, how much does it cost to clean the carpet in dry cleaning with this method, you can hear quite accessible numbers.
- This cleaning can be done at home, with the departure of a specialist. And this is very profitable, after all it is not necessary to spend for delivery of a carpet to a place of cleaning.
- In the process of cleaning the floor you can walk.
- The implementation of the method does not require rearrangement of furniture.
- Special drying conditions are also not required.
The main stages of cleaning
The cleaning process depends on the selected type, but regardless, dry cleaning of carpets is carried out with removal or at home, all stages are clearly maintained.
Cleaning with an extractor. This special device applies the detergent composition to the carpet under pressure. After that, it switches to suction mode and removes all contaminants and detergent residues.
If there are persistent stains on the coating, another is used, stronger mortar and steel brushes. It is not necessary to worry, coatings they will not hurt.
A rotary disk machine is used for the edible particles. It has special brushes, which carry out mechanical cleaning, leaving none, even the oldest stain. Most, if the coating is very dirty, dry cleaning of carpets with removal is practiced.
After all stages of cleaning should be rinsing with water and drying. But immediately the coating will not be completely dry, will have to wait at least 5 hours, and even all 10.
If pets live in the house, then special deodorants will help to get rid of their specific smell.
Why you should use the services of professionals?
Reasons to use professional cleaning services – table. First and foremost – this is the quality of cleaning and disinfection of the coating. To do this, companies have special equipment for dry cleaning carpets. Buy this for home use, even with regular carpet finishing, does not make sense, since it is very expensive.
Other benefits include:
- Quality of carpet cleaning, regardless of type.
- Speed of performance of works. If you do it yourself, time will go much longer, but even get closer to the result, o held by professionals, will not succeed.
- Save time and money. Oddly enough, but to order the service of dry cleaning carpets with a trip home is cheaper, than to buy special means and to clean a carpet independently.
- conclusion
Carpeting, cleaned by hands and equipment of professionals, will shine with purity. Ordering cleaning regularly, you can forget for a long time about buying a new floor decoration.