Labeling queen bees

As a mark of females
Labeling queen bees – how.
If you do beekeeping, then sometimes you have to look uterus.
You can spend dozens of minutes to search, especially if cluster extra large.
To simplify your job, Use marking queen bees.
This application of the special markings on insects.
There are several ways to see the uterus:
- special tags, that stick to insects corpuscle;
- paints or markers;
- Trim wings.
Custom labels – fairly new method, which is gluing on insects corpuscle piece of cellophane with a numerical value.
It should be noted, that non-toxic glue and very well kept, because the bees hardly a lick icon.

Labeling females
Some beekeepers indicate uterus cutting wings, but this method can be considered barbaric.
In an even year occurrence Queen clipped the right wing, and the odd left.
In the international system used ordinary paint or markers.
In addition, each color has its meaning.
White marker denoting bdzholomatok 2011 and 2016 year.
Yellow – 2012 and 2017. red – 2013 and 2018.
Green marker labeled mares 2014 and 2019 year. A blue, in accordance, insects 2015 and 2020 year.
It is very convenient, as it allows every five years to apply a color label.
To make labeling bdzholomatok, you must use a special device.
Optionally choose a single day. If you are going to watch and purify hive and accidentally found the uterus, mark it.
You do not need to remove it from the honeycombs. Just take planochkamy ring and gently push the bee to the frame.
Quickly check mark the desired color.
Why do females mark?
This is done, to monitor the age of Queen. Since a few years, the number of honey may be reduced, in accordance, will need to replace the uterus.
Sometimes it happens, bees independently re-elected for a new queen, so you will be aware of "revolution".
Quite often, a new swarm of flies with the old queen and justify a new home.
Taki way, if you find a new family and check mark on corpuscle ʙdƶolomatki, you will know, where she was and what.
This will allow you to work more efficiently and get more honey.