Honey cake in multyvartsi

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Рецепт медового бісквіту в мультиварціHoney cake in multyvartsi: Recipes with photo.

honey – useful product, which is used not only to treat various diseases, but also successfully used in cooking.

If you love this sweet bee products, ready honey cake in multyvartsi.

Baking in this miracle technology will save time and avoid washing mountains of dishes.

  1. Recipe biscuit with honey
  2. The benefits of honey cake in multyvartsi

Recipe biscuit with honey


  • 150 g honey;
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • cup flour;
  • 5 eggs.

To begin, pour honey in a jar with a thick bottom and melt it. Put the liquid soda viscous mass, content povynnen foam containers.

Then remove the bowl from the heat and let cool slightly. Pour honey and whisk the egg mass content of the bowl mixer or whisk.Рецепт бісквіта з медом

Then Put the sugar and continue to whisk. Mass should become white and air.

Then small portions Put in the flour mixture and mix moves from top to bottom.

You can not mix in a circular motion, eggs may settle. When the mass is smooth and slippery, it should be poured into the cup Multicookings.

Do not forget to lubricate crockery vegetable oil.

Bake the cake should 60-80 minutes in the "Baking". Once the product is cooked, should Multicookings cup wrapped towel and carefully flip the cake.

Do not rush to deploy it, let it cool down a towel.

The benefits of honey cake in multyvartsi

This recipe is from the photo is very simple and does not require separation of proteins from the yolks and whipping them separate.

This cooking method significantly saves time and minimizes the amount of dirty dishes.Медовий бісквіт

Cooked biscuit in multyvartsi "Redmond" to be cut across several cakes.

Perfectly matched biscuit with honey butter or sour cream.

If desired, the cream can add walnuts or prunes.

During the summer, honey cake in multyvartsi can be decorated with strawberries and raspberries.

These berries perfectly emphasize the savory taste of tortillas.

Biscuit in multyvartsi turns lush and uniform heating through the air.

Such pastries difficult to prepare in a gas oven, as air flows due to fluctuations in the dough often settles.

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