Honey with heartburn

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Honey with heartburn

Honey with heartburn: recipes for treatment and prevention.

Due to improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract there is an uncomfortable feeling, as heartburn.

This person feels discomfort, appears sour belching and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Coping with a similar problem by using pharmaceuticals, but they are not always effective and may not be in the home medicine cabinet.

So today we will talk about improvised methods, namely how to treat heartburn honey.

  1. Causes, symptoms and prevention of heartburn
  2. Methods of treatment with honey Heartburn
  3. As honey helps with heartburn
  4. Traditional recipes from honey Heartburn
  5. Treatment of heartburn during pregnancy
  6. Contraindications honey for heartburn

Causes, symptoms and prevention of heartburn

The main symptom is a burning sensation in the esophagus and sweet and bitter taste in the mouth.

The main causes of the problem:

  • unhealthy diet;
  • surfeit;
  • stomach illness;
  • overweight;
  • during pregnancy;
  • body coat;
  • stress conditions.

In order to prevent the occurrence of discomfort in the digestive tract is recommended to observe the following rules:

  • eat properly and fully;
  • avoid snacking;
  • not to overeat;
  • keep weight normal values, if necessary diet;
  • give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • do not wear too tight clothes.

Methods of treatment with honey Heartburn

Consider, how honey helps heartburn depending on the characteristics of the digestive tract:

With increased acidity

In this case, the stomach produces more acid, than necessary, adversely affect the gastric mucosa.мед при підвищеній кислотності

We present a method of treating heartburn honey: after waking should take a glass of warm water with 1 no. l. bee products.

In view of the, the drug dissolved in warm water, it becomes less concentrated, this means, that the release of gastric juice will not be as plentiful, and pcheloprodukty can adjust the digestive tract.

Eat possible through 2-3 after taking pcheloprodukty.

After eating wait 2 hours and repeat the warm welcome solution.

The course of treatment is 20 day, then you need to do week break, during which it is important to closely monitor their diet and as.

If necessary, repeat treatment courses.

Read: Pumpkin seeds with honey from worms.

At low pH

Honey is a multi-component product. With its digestion the body spends some effort, accompanied by increased secretion of gastric juice.

This is what, it takes a patient – trigger the release of acid before meals and it will greatly facilitate the process of digestion.

In order to increase the production of gastric juices needed for 15-20 minutes to drink a glass of cold water 1 no. l. honey.

The course of treatment long enough, he is 2-3 months.

As honey helps with heartburn

Pcheloprodukty provides the following effect:

  • neutralizes bile acids (when warm therapeutic solution);
  • stimulates the production of juice (when a cold solution);
  • corrects the work of the pancreas;
  • restores the protective membrane of the stomach (important for gastritis);
  • improves the entire digestive system.

Traditional recipes from honey Heartburn

Next, describe the treatment of heartburn folk remedies in conjunction with other honey products:

Treatment of milk for heartburn

Need to take a glass of warm milk, add a teaspoon of natural bee products, drink after a meal.

This way you suppresses unpleasant symptoms, get rid of heartburn.

The action is based on the ability of milk to put out high acidity, and pcheloprodukty at this time eliminates the problem from the inside.

Potato juice with honey

freshly made juice – 100 ml warm up to 30 C, enter 1 no. l. nectar.

Drinking on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening before bedtime.

Aloe Honey

Medicinal plant known for its healing properties and is widely used in the treatment of gastrointestinal.

It is necessary to mix the two products in equal proportions (aloe pulp used), take a teaspoon 3 times a day.

The mixture was stored in the refrigerator.

Cabbage juice and honey

For one serving should 200 g fresh juice and 1 Article. l. bee nectar.

Drink twice a day – immediately after waking and before bed.

Read: Ointment with wax, yolk and oil: receptions.

With olive oil

Every morning to drink 1-2 Article. l. drug mixture and olive oil in equal proportions nectar.

Allowed to drink warm water.

With mummy

During the month, day, drink 0,2 g with mummy 1 Article. l. nectar.

Admission is carried out 2 times a day – in the morning, Tonight.

From pumpkin seeds

Mix pumpkin seeds – 100 and g 50 g honey, take 1 Article. l. through 30 minutes after eating 2 times a day.

Herbal infusions with honey

It effectively removes burning sensation in the stomach bee nectar combined with herbs.

Suitable chamomile tea, but has a greater effect herb collection – sweet flag root and marshmallow, grass yarrow, hypericum, calendula and chamomile.

One tablespoon collection pour boiling water, brew, strain, then add a little bee goodies.

Treatment of heartburn during pregnancy

A common problem during pregnancy – burning in the digestive tract, particularly evident in the last months of gestation.

This is temporary and it does not mean, which is a serious medical illness.

Therefore, the main treatment should be directed at relief of symptoms.

Perfect use of bee nectar in conjunction with the following products:

  • milk;
  • chamomile tea;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • heat water.

It is imperative at this time not to overeat, eliminate all fried, spicy, acute.

Read: Treatment of bronchitis during pregnancy: receptions.

Contraindications honey for heartburn

By using contraindications include allergic to honey bee products and idiosyncrasy components.

In the event, If you doubt the admissibility reception, or you have a chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract, it is best to consult a doctor.

Noteworthy, that any treatment would be useless in the event, the patient regularly overeat, that does not adhere to diet and take bad meal.

Treatment folk ways a more prolonged course of therapy, but the use and effectiveness of these methods higher.

With nectar bees and other beneficial natural products can cure heartburn and forget about it unpleasant manifestations.

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