Ointment with bee venom
Ointment with bee venom: use and contraindications.
No one is immune to age-related changes in articular tissue, in which the observed constant aching pain, crunch in the limbs.
This is due to a decrease in the elasticity of joints, reduced their food.
exept this, possible sprain, hits, pinched nerve endings. In all of these situations can help ointment with bee venom.
Bee venom has proved to joints only positive side.
Tell you more about the rules for choosing and using the drug in this article.
Useful properties
Cream with apiproduktu have a fairly broad spectrum of activity, They have antibacterial, inflammatory, antiseptic and absorbing effects.
With regular application of medicinal herbs strengthening the immune system occurs, skin become more supple and alive, back functionality epithelium, joints, accelerated regeneration of damaged cells.
Another action aimed at warming tissues. After applying the therapeutic substance with this component is vasodilatation, increases blood flow, reduced pain.
Cream with bee venom is very popular for the treatment of herniated spine.
After the treatment course reduces friction discs mezhdupozvonochnyh, reduced pain and illness recedes.
exept this, cream worked well in tension, beats, bursitis.
Instructions for medical drug containing the following information about destination:
- with bone disease, Age-related changes provoked;
- as a means for warming muscles after intense exercise;
- the loss of elasticity of joints, cloth, communication, bone fragility;
- restraint nerve endings;
- neuralgic pain in the bones, joints.
Interesting to know: bee venom composition similar to snake.
The only difference is efficiency, enzymes bee products operating in 30 stronger.
The composition and how the drug
After applying the cream on the sore area of the body are absorbed in the soft tissue, with immediate effect, example, for joint or bone substance does.
Medication triggers increased blood flow to the affected area, and penetrates deep into poison, activates the body's natural defenses.
Similarly, the drug acts in tension, strangulation, neuralgia.
In a short period of drugs able to eliminate hematoma, relieve the pain and subcutaneous hemorrhage.
In most cases, the composition includes:
- insect venom 0,2%;
- essential oils;
- other components, that enhance the therapeutic effect of the drug.
On 1 grams of drugs have 0,2 g poisonous substance, which is comparable to 1 bee sting.
Based apiproduktu produced various forms of drug.
Their use depends on the disease, skin sensitivity and the characteristics of the individual.
For many convenient to use gel, and for some cream or ointment.
The choice depends on ease of use, not least the availability and cost of drugs.
This is a classic form of bee venom medication, its dense structure, oily.
This form of arthritis is appointed, radiculitis in cases, When painful joints or bones located under the rough, thick skin, it should be rubbed into the body about the problem 5 minutes.
Read more: What shall I do, If stung by a bee.
As part of salicylic acid necessarily present, or substances on the basis.
It is through this acid main active ingredients better penetrate deep into cells, according therapeutic effect higher.
Most creams applied before bed, do not be afraid to dirty clean clothes.
It is prescribed for people with sensitive skin, prone to irritation, it does not cool the skin.
The structure of the lighter cream, less fat, than the previous form.
Most often used for chronic diseases for regular treatment, absorbs quickly.
It is used in cases, when the patient has oily skin.
It is made from water, which reduces the risk of allergic reactions.
The gel is easy to use, easy to apply, quickly absorbed, not clog pores, provides a cooling effect.
Recommended for warming muscles and joints after exercise.
Basic rules of application
The main rule of use – apply a therapeutic agent to clean, dry skin, no damage.
If there are scratches, scratches drug will cause severe burning.
For use with squeeze tubes of cream or gel strip length 5 cm and evenly apply on problem area of the body.
Medicines should carefully rub the skin, accompanying the process easy massage movements, This will enhance the effect of.
When back pain
The use of drugs with the addition of poisons varies depending on the nature of back pain.
In sharp pain ointment should be applied several times a day in small quantities.
Perform manipulation should clean dry hands.
Acute pain nerves restraint, and pain surge does not require rubbing.
Enough to put a thin layer of ointment and leave Dress.
Then you need to back wrap scarf, or wear a warm jacket and lie.
Chronic pain in the lumbar region, including the intervertebral hernia, technology of another – cream should be rubbed intensively over 5 minute massage movements.
Beautiful indicator, that the application is complete – medication is completely absorbed into the skin.
In chronic diseases of the back course of therapy lasting 1 week, procedure should be performed twice a day, Wrap the treated area must.
For healthy joints
When using bee venom therapy for joint exchange of 10 days, to be followed by the scheme, similar to that described above:
- acute pain – rapid application of ointments 3-4 times a day;
- chronic disease – until completely absorbed ointment 2 times a day.
Neurological pain
Bee products neuralgia applies even in cases, when other drugs are powerless.
Apply ointments normalizing patient, znebolyuye, promotes rapid recovery.
For maximum effect it is recommended to combine treatment creams and injections of bee venom.
The course is to 3 times a day for a week.
Help athletes to warm up muscles
With intensive physical activities appropriate to apply these creams and gels for providing of additional blood supply.
This is to prevent pain, breaks and injuries. exept this, actual use of poison insects with existing injuries, it promotes faster tissue regeneration and recovery capability.
What better way to choose
There are many balms and gels with bee venom, they differ in meaning to poison 100 g substance.
Consider the most famous of them:
This ointment is considered one of the best, it differs highest content of poison, on 1 grams of the drug have 0,2 g apiproduktu.
You can buy this medication in the form of cream in a convenient tube operation.
He was appointed to eliminate sciatica, neuralgia, arthrosis.
Medicines are in two directions:
- thins the blood, it reduces clotting;
- reduces inflammation.
exept this, Apizartron made in the form of paste 1% to eliminate periodontal disease.
Ointment 911
The drug was well znebolyuye and quickly relieves painful inflammation of the area, on 1 g of substance have 0,025 g bee venom.
As part of the extract also present Shabelnik, živokostu, juniper and eucalyptus oil.
Auxiliary components restore the affected cells, reduce inflammation, promote the resorption of hematomas.
This remedy is prescribed to eliminate injuries of tendons, joints, arthritis, myositis.
Maximum treatment is 30 days, apply to be massaged 3 times a day.
After the application is recommended to dry heat.
Ointment "Sofia"
A distinctive feature – Water-based and relatively light structure.
In addition to the composition of bee venom medication supplemented with olive oil and sea buckthorn, sage extract and panthenol.
Its use is widely:
- thrombophlebitis;
- arthritis;
- osteochondrosis;
- venous insufficiency;
- wrinkles.
It occupies a single position in a number of preparations containing poison.
The point is, it consists of only two components, it:
- Bee venom.
- lipophilic base.
The maximum duration of therapy – 2 months, good way relieves pain and inflammation.
It is recommended to put on the sore area to 3 times a day, rub until completely absorbed.
In its present composition camphor oil, which has a good antimicrobial properties and analhezyruyuschym, perfectly relieves itching and irritation of the skin.
Okopnyk gel and bee venom
As is clear from the title, drug consists of two active ingredients: comfrey and bee venom.
exept this, the composition includes other components – essential oils, plant extracts.
Drugs provide regenerative effect, heats, reduces inflammation and swelling of tissues.
Limitations and contraindications
Before using medicines containing apiproduktu sure to read the list of contraindications:
- allergic reaction, intolerance component;
- pregnancy, breastfeeding;
- cardiovascular system;
- genitourinary disease in acute and latent phase.
During treatment, it is important to monitor the patient's condition, Treatment should be stopped immediately in case of side effects:
- headache;
- nausea;
- allergic reaction.
With caution should be used toxic component in the treatment of children, and elderly (senior 70 years).
Contraindicated apply medical ointment with bee venom in the acute phase of arthritis – is likely worsen joint tissue.
Before using medications based on bee venom are advised to consult a doctor, find out the exact diagnosis.
When buying drugs, pay attention to the content apiproduktu 1 gram, depends on the force of impact.
Before treatment Please read the instructions.