The mask for the face with honey and lemon: receptions.

Almost anyone, is interested in preserving natural resources for health and beauty, use useful properties of honey obviously not secret.

In addition, favorable the effect of honey on the skin in combination with various components will help keep a young and fresh look of your face.

The most popular way is considered a face mask with honey and lemon.

It is this mix of fortified foods do not just cosmetic effect, but also help to cope with some medical problems of the skin.

  1. Why choose lemon and honey
  2. Indications for use
  3. Popular products for the face

Why choose lemon and honey face

In the piggy bank useful elements of honey, there are lots of necessary and important substances:

  • carbohydrates
  • amino acids
  • inorganic acids
  • manganese
  • copper, zinc
  • potassium, iron, cobalt
  • vitamin C, RR

And this is only part of the elements, but every type of honey will be slightly different from others.

Therefore overestimate the impact of products based on honey impossible. Many industrial creams, tonics and masks are not always able to offer such a useful composition.

The same can be said of all the benefits of lemon, and combined these two wonder-food products promote deep, skin whitening and restoration.

Taking the honey and lemon, You can prepare a mask, lotions, scrubs, tonic.

Depending on the type of skin on the face and, example, problems, to which you want to handle, must be supplemented by means of various additives, such as sour cream, oils, glycerol, yolk or egg white, perhaps, alcohol tincture of herbs, vodka.

Contraindications for use of cosmetics based on honey and lemon

If you have Food allergy to honey, then, probably, it can occur and your skin.

Therefore, before using any product on your face or any visible part of the body should spend a little check on the delicate skin area, which is not visible under clothing, if there is redness or other adverse reactions.

With unlimited use lemon to eat very sweet, thin, Dry skin can properly respond to your good intentions.

Popular products for the face

Especially useful for preserving and restoring skin tone to make a tonic.

Add a mineral water without gas (200 g), heated to a temperature 36 C, copper (1 Article. l.), squeezing tablespoon of lemon juice.

Fill toner preferably glass bottle, reserve and kept in the refrigerator over the week, this means wipe face and neck.

Also this tonic tablets can be prepared ice, filling their bags for making ice.

Wipe the skin such tablets is particularly useful to owners of oily and porous skin, in the summer they can be used during the day, the skin remains fresh and lose less moisture during especially hot days.

If you suffer from unaesthetic appearance of acne on the face, your secret weapon will be special Mask with Honey and lemon on black dots.

Mix honey and lemon in equal proportions and apply layers to the problematic place.

If you have sensitive facial skin, but the point, before you put the mask, it is necessary to lubricate the skin susceptible low-fat sour cream.

If you got oily skin, does not hurt to prepare a mask: warm fat yogurt + copper + lemon in equal parts.

Mix, until everything is dissolved, and apply on face (hold 15-20 minutes).

Wash only with warm running water.

You can also prepare scrub for face and body, which mix the following components: ground coffee, copper, lemon, olive oil (1 no. l.).

After using this scrub can treat facial hydrating mask.

For very dry skin should make a mask, combining yolk, copper, lemon (for the first application, take a few drops).

apply at 5-10 minutes. If the skin reacts well, You can keep the mask to 20 minutes.

If you wish to make an incredibly velvety skin, prepare a mask, expanding its grape juice.

Take a few grapes and berries squeeze the juice into a container of honey, Add a couple drops of lemon.

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