Treatment of liver disease
Treatment of liver disease honey and herbs.
In folk medicine, honey is often used in the treatment of liver diseases.
It is not without reason called the main body chemical laboratory – The liver is a filter for removing biological poisons.
For this corresponds to such a substance as Glycogen, which improves tissue repair processes.
Regular use of honey increases glycogen in the liver.
Glycogen stocks sucrose, which accumulates our liver.
Honey is so good, consisting of 85% from natural sucrose and glucose, which are completely absorbed by the body.
liver cleansing
To clean the liver – should wash oats, dry and pound in a mortar. 5 tablespoons chopped oats fill a quart, pour boiling water, cover, wrapped in blankets and put the heat on 10 hours.
Every morning cup of oatmeal liquid protsezhennoy (before the bank is well stirred) added 1 a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 drops of iodine and all drink.
Be attentive – that blue iodine in a solution of iodine and apple cider vinegar does not fit all, so before use should consult a doctor.
Treatment of cirrhosis
- flower cornflower blue (30 g),
- strawberry leaves forest (20 g),
- rhizomes couch (15 g),
- lofanta herb anise (15 g),
- St. John's wort (10 g),
- flowers everlasting sand (10 g).
Method of cooking
- 2 tablespoons minced collection (dry) fill 0,5 l boiled water,
- bring to a boil, cook on low heat 8-10 minutes,
- brew 1,5-2 years,
- drink warm broth in 1/2 cup, dissolving it 1 teaspoon of honey, 4-least once a day.
Read: Treatment of osteoarthritis bee stings.
In viral hepatitis
- 30 g dandelion leaves,
- 30 g leaves of artichoke seed,
- 20 g creeping thyme leaves,
- 10 g fennel fruit,
- 10 Mr. herbs centaury small
- 2 tablespoons dried minced collection pour 0,5 l boiled water,
- cook 4-6 minutes,
- brew 30-40 minutes,
- drink 1/2 cup, adding broth honey, 3 – 5 times a day.
Another recipe:
- 30 d fruits of Berberis vulgaris,
- 30 g of white birch leaves,
- 20 g herb Oregano,
- 10 g herb horsetail,
- 10 Mr. roots of celandine
- 2 tablespoons dried minced collection, fill 0,5 l of boiling water,
- cook on low heat 8-10 minutes,
- brew 2-3 years,
- drink warm for 1/2 cup, spreading in broth 1, teaspoon of honey, 3-4 times a day.
When the hepatitis B virus
- 1 teaspoon herbs drop cap
- Hepatitis brew a cup of boiling water 1 teaspoon herbs drop cap, brew 30 minutes.
- Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day.
If jaundice is accompanied by dropsy, to drink fresh juice drop cap, mixed with honey in equal proportions, by 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day, drinking a sip of water or stirring with a little water.
Honey wormwood
- 3,5 Mr. wormwood,
- 350 g honey.
To do this, wormwood soak in water overnight, then cook, drain, add honey and cook until thickening.
When liver and stomach, seal with the spleen and jaundice, at how much, as well as any disease of the urinary tract and to remove stones in the urine.
In the liver and gall bladder
- 0,5 kg of honey,
- 0,5 kg of mashed berries Viburnum.
Stir, take dessert spoon 3 times a day an hour after eating.