Treatment of pancreatitis propolis
Treatment of pancreatitis propolis: recipes nastoyanok.
Bee products have very valuable medicinal properties.
They have long been used in folk medicine almost all diseases.
Is no exception and propolis treatment of pancreatitis, which sometimes is much more efficient, than official prescription.
After application of the product, how propolis, not something disastrous to the body, a natural component, perceived it naturally.
Propolis tincture with pancreatitis eliminate failures in the pancreas system, normalizes the digestive tract.
But due to its great biological activity useful for her work on this will not end – It refreshes the whole body and eliminate or ease other ailments, that may be present.
Propolis with pancreatitis: application
Bee glue – natural antibiotic. It contains many components, eliminating inflammation, kill harmful microorganisms, neutralize toxins, normalize the work of.
This product works gently, because propolis in chronic pancreatitis – This is the best and the primary means, as long as you can use, without worrying about the consequences for the organism as a whole.
Today presents many dosage forms of this substance, that can help in this problem.
The simplest – it propolis tincture with pancreatitis.
It is prepared on alcohol in this technology:
- 100 g propolis deploy and placed in a cool place for 12 hours, expecting freezing;
- bee glue then converted into chips, using a grater;
- take the same amount of alcohol mixed with medical and solid, close and insist 10 cold days;
- twice daily mixture shaken, as a result of receiving the product light brown, which can be used inside.
Treatment of pancreatitis propolis conduct, means for taking half a teaspoon three times a day, drinking water (in the morning, before meals and afternoon).
Propolis milk with pancreatitis
Tincture itself good, but reviews suggest patients and physicians, more effectively, especially in acute pancreatitis, being treated, if you use propolis with milk.
For this infusion, or mixed with it, or prepared separately drug, using milk instead of alcohol.
When preparing a new drug, should weigh 3-5 agricultural raw materials and chop at the above chip technology to the state.
Rozbovtuyut mixture in a glass of slightly warmed milk.
Apply the product before bed.
If you decided to use propolis tincture with pancreatitis milk, need to take 20 drops precooked and drug dissolved in heated milk.
When it comes to people, who can not tolerate dairy products, tincture can be dissolved in a glass of water and add back only a tablespoon of milk. Means are also encouraged to take before bedtime.
practice shows, propolisni products that easily tolerated by the body and do not cause much adverse reactions, perhaps we can talk about personal drug intolerance.
Therefore, before using still need to consult a doctor.