Treatment honey thrush
Treatment of thrush honey: receptions.
Milkmaid – fungal disease, which affects the mucous membranes.
Very often this disease in women.
Because hypothermia and antibiotics in the vagina yeast colonies grow.
They provoke the emergence of illnesses.
Treatment honey thrush – a reliable and easy way, has no contraindications.
How to treat candidiasis?
To do this, you need to prepare a solution. Take one part honey 10 parts of warm boiled water.
Stir the resulting liquid and saturate her tampon. Enter deeper swab and hold it in the vagina 30 minutes. This is best done at night.
The benefits of the treatment of thrush bee products:
- low cost drugs;
- efficiency;
- does not affect the mucosal microflora;
- no side effects.
It should be noted, this method of treatment of candidiasis do not use if you are allergic to bee products.
You can not prepare a solution, and use liquid honey.
For this download with sterile cotton ball and wrap it with a bandage sterile.
Leave the tail, with it you can easily pull the tampon.
Pour a teaspoon means for tampon and insert into the vagina.
Since the substance in undiluted form, it is best to keep medicines 2 years.
Treatment of thrush honey quite effective. After it removes itching and swelling.
in addition, reduced burning and discomfort. Before treatment preferably spryntsyuvatysya.
This extra wash mushrooms vagina and improve the absorbability of drugs.
Honey yeast on the skin
Often candidiasis the skin appears as spots, which peel.
Typically, the disease can be seen on the elbows, knees and face. For the treatment of disease using a solution.
To make it, you need a bottle to mix 100 g of water and 10 g honey.
Imposed on the affected places dressings, impregnated medical solution.
For the treatment of thrush honey has a number of contraindications:
We treat yeast broth with herbs and honey
Pour a tablespoon inflorescences nasturtiums cup boiling water and cook 10 minutes.
Cool the solution and filter it. Add a tablespoon of honey liquid.
Spryntsyuytesya liquid morning and evening.
The course of treatment lasts 7 days.
These medicines are simple and do not require a lot of money.
Most, that using this solution can cure chronic candidiasis.
Reviews demonstrate the effectiveness of honey from yeast.
You can cook candles.
In bowl pour raw chicken egg yolk and a little rye flour. Stir the mixture, You should get a soft dough.
Add a spoonful of honey in it. Divide the mass into equal parts and download them with sausage.
Put a candle in the refrigerator. Put suppositories needed overnight.