Treating sinusitis propolis
Treating sinusitis propolis at home: receptions.
antritis – disease, from which not only affects middle-aged and elderly, Youth are also often exposed to this unpleasant disease.
Everyone knows, in the early stages of any disease easier to treat, than running its forms.
also, propolis treatment sinusitis in the early stages is easier and faster to cope with illness.
Propolis, which copper, is a valuable product in the fight against various diseases.
With proper use it to quickly achieve positive results.
Treating sinusitis using propolis
The composition of bee glue includes vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, Balsamine, resin. It can legitimately be considered a natural antibiotic.
For more effective treatment of sinusitis propolis at home is better to start at the first sign of illness.
In this case, the typical use of propolis as 20% alcohol solution, which in equal proportions mixed thoroughly with butter peach seed.
The resulting mixture of 3 drops every few days should be administered in nasal sinus. The use of antibiotics is not required.
If the disease has already started and moved to purulent sinusitis, should begin intensive treatment of this disease, using bee product.
It is advisable to use 10% alcohol tinctures and 10% emulsion of water-alcohol.
To free solution of wax temperature mixture should bring to the patient's body temperature. Then you slowly introduce the resulting mixture into haymorovi by sinus puncture.
One effective tool in the treatment of this disease is nasal irrigation solution.
In this procedure removes manure from the maxillary sinuses. Knowing, how to treat sinusitis propolis, You can get rid of this disease.
cure sinusitis, using propolis, many ways can. To do this, first you need to be patient and strictly adhere to the treatment of all recommendations.
- At home, on the recommendation of a doctor can apply a drop from this product at the initial stage of the disease.
- Propolis tincture at recommended for sinusitis patients, prone to allergies.
- Improves circulation and dilate blood vessels, if used inhalation propolis with sinusitis. This method is recommended, if becomes inflamed.
- A positive result in the treatment brings applying drops, cooked at home from natural products. Bee product plus the juice of blue bulbs + Potato juice. All components in equal proportions and thoroughly stir the resulting solution bury your nose.
- Patients showed Reviews, that propolis helps with sinusitis well as aerosol inhalation. Especially effective this method when the first symptoms of the disease. Propolis diluted in water to drip into each nostril 6 drops 2 times a day.
- To relieve inflammation of the mucous, to soften, remove manure, appropriate use ointments and drops containing propolis, Garlic and onions.
- At home, you can apply turundas with propolis and butter (sunflower and cream). heated to 40 C small spoonful of bee products (crushed), by adding 1 tablespoon of any oil. Cooked mixture brew 3 days. cotton swabs, soaked in this solution lay in 2 hours each nostril 2 times a day.
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