Medicines with bee pidmoru
Medicines with bee pidmoru: how to cook at home.
Medicines with pidmoru bees and its miraculous properties became known immediately after the start of beekeeping
Prepare it can be a few variations, with drugs, made this pcheloprodukty, have many useful properties, preventing the development of some diseases and strengthening the overall condition of the entire body.
What is "pidmor"?
As you might guess from the title, – is dead bees. These insects live up to six months, because family is constantly updated with new specimens. The time of death determines the types of bees pidmoru. They have two:
- Elderly. Collection at this time of year a little, but the best. Insects are killed near the hives, and their colleagues take trupyky away from home. The quality of the drugs is enhanced by the large amount of poison in cells, which is the active ingredient, interacts with the human body.
- Winter. Bee scree in the cold season is due to infection, cold and hunger. In some dead bees are waste products, so treatment should not plague winter, since it only hurt your health.
What it means so helpful?
This medicine traditional medicine copes with maintaining immunity and relieve symptoms of some diseases. To get rid of the disease, it must be taken regularly for a long time.
Mohr treats:
- oncology;
- joint pain;
- diabetes;
- violation of potency, prostatitis;
- liver disease;
- adiposity;
- atherosclerosis.
Osip slows the aging process in the body, protects against cancer, poisoning, reduces the load on the liver and kidneys, improves thyroid, clears the circulatory system.
What are the active ingredients to help recover?
Each part pidmoru has certain properties:
- The main source of health – the body bees. It is honey, Royal jelly, wax, propolis and pollen.
- Chitin cover containing heparin, which improves blood clotting and slows the formation of blood clots. This chemical is in the shells of crustaceans, but in much smaller numbers.
- Bee venom has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antibacterial effect.
- fat Bee, that does not raise cholesterol and completely digested.
- It is best to collect summer talus, because the winter bees accumulate dietary fiber. They contribute to the proper working of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminate harmful substances and excess fluid.
Gathering pidmor, following all recommendations, You get quality, useful product.
How to make drugs from pidmoru bees?
There is a sequence of actions, keeping you collect qualitative pidmor quickly.
To do this,:
- Collect insects in a cardboard box.
- Carefully sift, to remove wax and debris.
- Dry in the oven with a temperature of no more than 50 degrees for 30-40 minutes.
- Cool and grind to powder.
More "whole" of bees can be frozen, and the finished raw material should be stored only in canvas bags in a dry warm place.
You need to carefully watch that, to powder, obtained by grinding, not spoiled: of improper storage it can zavestysya harmful insects or by excess moisture pidmor come into disrepair.
Recipes therapeutic herbs
Take into scree as possible, and applied topically. Common options – this ointment, broth, alcohol solution and bosh.
Alcohol extract
Take two large spoons of powder, to dissolve 500 ml of alcohol or vodka. Within three weeks insist under the lid closed in the dark. The first seven days to shake the solution daily, You can then every three days.
After infusion strain liquid, pour into a container with a good lid. Start receiving droplets can be two a day. If the side effects are not evident, to increase the dose recommended for your diagnosis.
For diabetes treatment prescribed five drops after meals, with fibroids – three big spoons per day. Giardia can be cured 1 month, accepting no less 30 drops three times daily.
Alcohol infusion for grinding
For application to the skin can be used winter sea, when trupyky containing stool. It should be dissolved in a glass of thresholds 500 ml of vodka.
Then doing the same thing, as in the previous recipe. Rub the joints and muscles, make compresses only after, the skin is rubbed soap. Keep packs needed 15-30 minutes, and then thoroughly rinsed with water.
The solution in water
One large spoon plague pour a glass of boiling water and infuse for an hour. Give the drug to cool and strain. Shelf life is 5 days. To improve immunity take a tablespoon three times a day before meals.
In this type of plague used to reduce joint pain, fatigue in the legs. Mix a tablespoon of drug 200 ml lukewarm vegetable oil or animal fat, let stand two – three years. Ointment stored in the refrigerator.
Fried pidmor
This is a good way to treat myopia. Two tablespoons of mixture razzharivayte a large amount of vegetable oil and take course.
steam out
Recipe helps get rid of the hernia, fibrocystic disease, varikozі. Pour preparation in a bowl and pour hot water on 2 see more.
About twenty minutes insist under the lid closed, then wrap the mixture in a cloth or gauze and apply to the sore spot. Be sure to wrap, not to catch a cold.
The use of pure pidmoru
For this dry cells of bees in the oven 10-15 minutes, chop and place in a dry container. Take powder can before meals, starting with 1/6 teaspoon of.
The maximum dose – one teaspoon. Cooked this way the drug has a pleasant smell of roasted seeds.
If the discomfort is still there, mix the drug with water or milk. Add cereal mixture in, soups, salads, and then you will not even notice it.
Contraindications to the use of tinctures
Before you prepare drugs with bee pidmoru, you should consult with your doctor.
This treatment is not suitable for everyone, Despite the large amount of vitamins in it. 3% world population is allergic to bee stings, but 2% not tolerate all bee products.
But even healthy people may experience side effects on bee pidmor:
- muscle spasms;
- high temperature and pressure;
- insomnia;
- irritation of the skin;
- excitation of the nervous system.
Infusion medications containing alcohol in its composition, use is contraindicated in diseases such:
- cirrhosis;
- alcoholism;
- nervous system;
- lung disease and brain;
- addiction;
- cardiovascular failure;
- infectious diseases;
- fever;
- thyrotoxicosis;
- low ability to thicken blood.
Do not take medication with bee pidmoru during pregnancy. It is forbidden to give way to children under two years and people, treated diseases with symptoms, like action pidmoru.
Carefully treat their health and mind, that this bee only helper organism, but not a panacea.