Wings in honey and soy sauce in multyvartsi

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Крильця в медово-соєвому соусі в мультиварці: рецептиChickens' secundines wings in honey and soy sauce in multyvartsi: soeyu recipes and mustard.

expect guests, but do not know, how to treat them?

For family dinners and conversations with friends are ideal chicken wings in honey and soy sauce, which can be made at multyvartsi.

This dish can be baked in the oven or frying, but if you do to help Multicookings, you will not need to wash a plate of hot oil spray.

  1. Ingredients
  2. Products Sauce

Necessary ingredients for wings in honey sauce:

  • chicken wings (1 kg or 10 PC.);
  • 3 tablespoons of any of varieties of honey;
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce;
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 1 lemon;
  • ginger;
  • salt.

To prepare chicken wings, need to make marinade. For this water bath melt the honey and pour it in soy sauce.

Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice out of it. Add the weight of cinnamon and spices. Ginger rub on a grater or a knife and whittle away the sharp Put the mixture.

In the mixture marinate chicken wings on 1-3 years. If you take, you can marinate foods in the refrigerator overnight.

An alternative to this dish is in the wings honey-mustard sauce in multyvartsi. They are more spicy and sharp.

Now Put wings in Multicookings cup and pour a little oil on the bottom. Close the lid and set the batch mode.

Need, in order to multyvartsi chicken in honey and soy sauce tomylasya 20 minutes. Then it must turn over to the other side.

So you get a uniform golden brown on both sides.

If you do not like very spicy, then you will like chicken with apple and honey in multyvartsi.

Suitable for cooking chicken thighs or breasts.

To prepare the meal should lightly salt the meat and fry it in a bowl Multicookings mode for baking 15 minutes per side.

Clean sour apple peel and cut it into slices. Place the chicken and to mloyite 10 minutes.

Pour remaining meat mixture with honey, ketchup and water.

The list of products for sauce:

  • 2 tablespoons ketchup;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 100 ml honey.

Enough Popular recipes with honey and soy sauce, as they give the dish spicy sweet and sour taste.

If you love spicy food, then you will like chicken in mustard and honey sauce in multyvartsi.

It is prepared in a batch mode. Previously meat should marinate in a mixture of mustard, honey and soy sauce.

Ham with honey-mustard marinade with golden crust, that resembles candy.

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