Benefits and harms of walnut oil: application

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If you want to buy nuts or honey, write to these guys ". If you want to know about the benefits and dangers of walnut oil then this article is for you.

Walnuts are often used in folk medicine to treat various diseases, but few know about the beneficial properties of walnut oil. This product is very useful for the organism, but it does have contraindications, which will be discussed in detail in this article.
As part of the oil contained amino acids, minerals and vitamins, are important for the body. Air can be applied topically, or use it inside, to carry out the treatment of internal diseases.

Chemical composition

As mentioned above, Walnut oil has a mass of useful properties, which we write more. But it also has contraindications to the use of, Therefore, before using the product, should consult a doctor. As part of the ether present:

  • Linoleic acid. This substance has anti-inflammatory effect, fats and helps the body better assimilate. Acid slows the aging process in cells, strengthens the body's defenses and improves the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Linolenic acid. Another substance, which helps to reduce bad cholesterol in the blood, and improves blood circulation in the body. Makes it possible to improve brain function, provides recovers effect on bone development and prevent heart attack.
  • retinol. It helps the body to produce more collagen.
  • Ascorbic acid. Beneficial effect on immunity, helps improve metabolism.
  • tocopherol. Leads to normal hormonal.
  • Iodine. Helps fight insomnia, improves the nervous system.
  • Calcium. Important for the skeletal system of the human body, and provides strengthens the tooth enamel.
  • Carotenoids. Do not allow the cells to grow old quickly.
  • Iron. Provides strengthening effect on the immune system, improves thyroid.

Medicinal properties of the product

Walnut oil has certain contraindications and useful properties, First we talk about, that it cures diseases:
Bowel disease and stomach, and other digestive organs. Extract helps cleanse the stomach wall and intestines of toxins, and in addition does not penetrate harmful cholesterol in the blood, and cause blockage of blood vessels.

Respiratory. Oil provides strengthens the immune system, thereby increasing the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria.
Skin diseases and infections. The essential oil of walnut helps in treating skin diseases. It copes with acne and acne rash on the face, it is commonly used to treat wounds and fractures. Making masks on this product, You can prevent wrinkles, and in addition to reduce the number.
Diseases of the genitourinary system. Based extract prepared special tools, which help cleanse the kidneys, and improve the processes of circulation in the genitals. Additionally, these funds lead to normal hormonal.
Nervous system diseases. The use of essential oils makes it possible to normalize night's sleep and get rid of insomnia. Moreover way relieves migraine and relieves fatigue. Beneficial oil affects the nerve cells in the brain.

Violation of the thyroid gland. Extract recommends using a functional recovery of the endocrine glands, additional tool helps lead a normal amount of glucose in the blood.
Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Butter has a positive effect on blood vessels, making them more flexible, This helps to lower blood pressure and improve circulation. Extract prevents blood clots to form in blood vessels, thus avoiding the development of heart attack and stroke.
Diseases of the visual apparatus. You can use walnut extract in the case, if a person having vision problems. Also product is used as a preventive measure.

Walnut extract for external use help:

  • remove age spots on face and body;
  • improves hair growth and makes them stronger;
  • helps treat skin;
  • prevents the development of skin diseases;
  • protects against UV exposure;
  • strengthens the nail plate.

Terms of use and contraindications

Walnut oil is not only beneficial properties, but contraindications. Means should not be used during an allergic reaction to nuts, and intolerance products. Do not use the product for the treatment of children under one year, year after the child is given no more than one drop of oil.
Pregnant women use a teaspoon daily broadcast. Children from four to six years, taking six drops of oil, and from six to ten years can be given half a teaspoon of the product.

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