Italian breed of bees
Italian breed bees: specifications, specifics, shortcomings.
The Italian bee is very common worldwide and enjoys great success.
As the name implies, bred for the first time it was tested in Italy.
turned, that the Italian bees are very good and even overtake the parameters other, Read reviews.
The main, they bring a lot of honey and unpretentious to weather. However, there are places, where the dbzholy rarely live. The reason is, not in any climate, they can fully develop.
Definition, spread
Most often found in Italian bees:
- Australia;
- Europe;
- USA.
Within the same species are different coloring. Of course, Each variety has its own distinctive features and characteristics.
Here are coloring:
- smugasta;
- gray;
- golden.
Features uterus
It happened, the latter type is more common than others. No special reasons, gray as individuals no worse than golden.
Prized species primarily because, that the uterus is capable of enormous fertility.
On average, she puts 2000 eggs a day, which is an excellent indicator.
To hive is very good, because the family to a very large, and therefore, honey it will bring much more, than had.
Read more: Buckfast breed.
So in this sense, the Italian bee simply has no equal. Sometimes professionals point out, such fecundity of the uterus and can play a negative role, family is prone to swarming.
Habits bee
The Italian bee is different. Try to pay attention to the moments. First of all, Italian bees are non-aggressive towards humans, that working with them is not so difficult.
They do not attack Beekeeper, behave quietly.
It, of course, a big plus. Italian bees are very productive and thievish – fly to other hives.
This is not a disadvantage, as they do so because, large family that always lacks something.
Honey fill the first upper bar, This is very good, convenient for the beekeeper.
It is also good that, in bad weather, Italian breed of bees resting, does not spend wasted power.
These bees very good builders, difficult to find rock, as it is rebuilt cell. Even visually it looks very nice, attention, in coordination.
There are drawbacks. By the winter of Italian bees are not used. They love the heat. At the same time, the Nordic countries are sometimes bred this breed.
Come now? The point is, methods that are feeding and keeping of bees in the winter. Some family transplanted into special boxes for the winter.
Another drawback – Italian breed bees not tolerate transportation. Experts call it stress. Somehow these insects are not designed for such loads.