Категорії: Bees

Feeding bees honey old

In the beginning there is a lot for beekeepers, that relate to, how and what to feed bees, which use supplements and stimulants. If you are going to seriously address apiary, necessary to examine this issue thoroughly, to do the right thing. Годування бджіл – це важливий і відповідальний процес, which requires not only knowledge and skills, but special treatment. How can we feed the bees? Can I use honey for feeding? These issues need to read in advance, to improve the performance of their own apiary.

Spring begin active preparations bee honey family to period. Bees clean frame and slot, clean all debris, which has accumulated in the hive. Despite the cool weather, they begin to fly and collect pollen first, necessary for their offspring. This period is characterized by a significant number of laying brood. Therefore, there is considerable consumption of honey at this time. The situation may also be complicated, as bees spend a lot of energy to heat their nest. Beekeeper must follow, to hives were enough honey to a good honey plant, which appears in the spring.


  1. Spring fertilization
    1.1 Honey in the hive in the spring
  2. Feeding
  3. fermented honey
  4. North honey
  5. Fuel feed
  6. Sugar syrup

Spring fertilization

After the first flyby in the spring of bee families boils vigorous and active life. Основна мета всіх бджолярів – отримати хорошу та якісну продукцію. So before medosbora should encourage, bees that built up the strength and power. Basic accounts medosbor, usually, July. Bees this time must be healthy, workable and durable.

Objectives spring feeding:

  • replenish feed;
  • stimulate egg-laying queen;
  • conduct prevention and treatment of existing disease, adding certain drugs to feed insects.

Every beekeeper must remember these points, to get quality products Honey future.

Honey in the hive in the spring

To the family was healthy and strong, need enough food. To properly calculate remember, that one frame with bees should go at least one kilogram honey. If insufficient supplies of honey, a decline in egg-laying queen. In this case, the family of bees cease to raise brood.

Many beekeepers ignore the aspect of temperature. Spring can feel the warm weather during the day, а вночі – значні зниження температури і заморозки. As a result, the frame of honey are heat stabilizers. This situation negatively affects the health and condition of bees.


Feed honey bees is not only possible, but need. It is important to use a high quality product, not to harm the state insect. With slots should get extra frame, reveal their, to substitute the evening slot. Old Honey has excellent flavor and medicinal properties. Feed honey bees need to read: frames with honey should be set to the slot or diaphragm. Comb honey may crystallize, so they need to open and pour warm water. As a result, the honey will become liquid. It can move in the slot, to begin the process of feeding.

fermented honey

What to do with sour and honey zabrodyvshym? This situation happens quite often many novice beekeepers ask themselves, Can I use a similar product. important to know, the use of honey is extremely dangerous zabrodyvshoho. You can not expose it to boiling in order to give it the desired consistency or otherwise correct the situation. This product should not be used for feeding bees. While boiling temperature reaches ninety-five degrees, as a result honey undergoes caramelization. This can not be fed honey insects. There are cases, after an extended hibernation for undiscovered nests diluted honey. Such a framework should be removed, to give strong beer families. If you do not, held fermentation and souring. Feeding such products is considered unacceptable.

North honey

If there is a shortage of feed bees, need to give them a spare, such as heated beyond a sealed and good honey. If no packages hundreds of sealed products, You can use the centrifugal option. The process of preparation of such feed bees is this: ingredient placed in an enamel pan or aluminum, adding water in the proportion of glass of water per kilogram of product. Capacity sent to the boiler with water and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally wooden spatula. It is necessary to achieve complete dissolution of the crystals. Then you remove from heat and pour into feeders.

Корисні статті по темі – корисна інформація про різновиди годівниць для бджіл.

Feeding insects got honey helps prepare for the first medosbora. Before, such as feeding them honey, it's important to warm up, to avoid crystals. After the dissolution of his left overnight in a warm room, distribute insect in the form of heat. If you can not feed honey bees sat, You can use sugar fertilizing. But do not abuse them, as processed sugar syrup is able to penetrate into honey production. Also, remember, the use of different feeding spring is held in extreme cases.

Sugar syrup or honey sieve filled in empty cells, located in the extreme under. Optionally used for ceiling trough. Do not give in feeding large quantities. In two or three days rather one liter sieve. Feed the bees need long, until popovnyatsya honey stocks. Fertilizing in the spring and fall can be carried out by three different methods, namely: using cans, feeders, and mobile cells. Before, How to use the feeder, it should be thoroughly washed and dried. You can then fill in the gap melted wax, pre-mixed with rosin or furnace ash.

Fuel feed

The main difference from other bee farm animals is, they harvest their own food. It looks like this: they recycle, then canned and form special reserves, using ambrosia and honey. Every beekeeper must monitor this process. Bees come to feed costs efficiently. On the financial side of the issue to ensure proper food apiary, the total cost of feed is about fifty percent of all spending on beekeeping. The basis of a strong and healthy bees are benign feed stocks. They provide high medosbora getting even with poor conditions. It is important to remember, When there is a stock feed, queen lays eggs much more, there is a better development of the entire family, and the main medosbora built up a huge force individuals.

It is interesting! According to information leading beekeepers, receiving the highest medosbora, autumn leaves families in thirty-five kilograms of honey production in forest areas. If the apiary is located in the southern region, take about twenty-five kilograms. In this case it is wintering well, and in the spring there is a high insect activity.

As used natural feeding honey products, as a natural source of supply and the record for the number of nutrients contained, macro- and minerals, as well as minerals and vitamins. These components are essential, to restore full performance and viability of honey plants. Ідеальний варіант годування – лугова і квіткова медова продукція, taken from clover or acacia. Many beekeepers use special feed troughs, in which food is placed. exept this, there are alternative and less convenient methods of feeding. Example: banks or cells.

You can prepare a special honey syrup. To do this, mix water and honey in equal proportions. The finished liquid poured into the trough. Оптимальне дозування на одну родину – один стакан сиропу.

Sugar syrup

Excellent alternative products serve honey syrup with sugar. Some beekeepers prefer this method of feeding, as it is more economical. As for nutritional value and quality, it is slightly inferior to natural honey products. Preparation is very simple syrup: need to mix sugar and hot water, keeping a ratio of two to one. It is used as an excellent feeding insects. It is strictly forbidden to put on the stove and boil, because sugar is able to burn. Regarding burnt sugar, he makes a devastating effect on bee family. This syrup to feed bees can not.

Feeding procedure should be carried out in the evening. In nadramochnu feeder should not pour more than five hundred milliliters of syrup with sugar and leave overnight. Number of syrup should not increase, because it can not eat, and it will be extra costs Product. important to note, in part syrup missing protein, so you should take care of feeding protein. This type of feeding means use cerago, royal jelly, yeast, pollen and soy flour.

To apiary was productive and profitable, should regularly feeding their bees. The quality of nursing depends on future yield and quality of all products. Also important addition to feeding and caring for bees spring.

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