Dvuhmatochne beekeeping

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Двухматочне бджільництво

Dvuhmatochne beekeeping

Dvuhmatochne keeping bees in the hive bahatokopusnyh: video.

In practice, to have income from beekeeping a hive should contain mostly strong colonies.

Insects not only have to collect honey, but also provide themselves with adequate food.

In wildlife queen bee eggs increases depending on weather conditions and the trick, increase reaching the end of June, increasing the strength and number of individuals bees.

All is well, but if a large shed number of honey plants.

What to do?

Beekeepers practice dvuhmatochne keeping bees in hives Multiple, which we'll tell you now.

You can also see interesting thematic video.

  1. What is keeping bees dvuhmatochne?
  2. When formed family?
  3. Advantages and disadvantages of technology
  4. Technology for Svyrydenko
  5. Technology Ozerov

What is keeping bees dvuhmatochne?

How dvuhmatochnoho keeping bees is, cuttings that are created using early queens.

Insects found in hives dvuhkorpusnyh, and when the family formed, they share, using separate cases.

Forms and types of hives different here and abroad, dvuhmatochne where beekeeping is very popular.

Hives can be:

  1. Dual technology French scientist Emile de l'Ost.
  2. Dvokorpusnimi sunbeds, consisting of 2 buildings on 30 framework.
  3. Trehkorpusni methodology Ozerov.

Simply put, used Beehive-lounger or vertical designs.

Between the two halves of the partition set, This resolution can be grid or a blank wall.

Deaf ceiling set for, that insects are not at odds.

Separate grid through change 3 weeks after the insects living together in adjacent compartments – they know each other and the smell got used to it.

More on double-hulled hives you can see video.

When formed family?

They begin forming in early spring. Mount two buildings, are put on each other.

The lower body is placed 2/3 bees, basic frame of the uterus and printed brood, in the upper part – sealed frame, spare uterus and insects zalyshvshyhsya.

Very important, so that each floor had its own eye.

Advantages and disadvantages of technology dvuhmatochnoho beekeeping

Dvuhmatochne keeping bees abroad is very, very popular. Abroad appreciate percent increase medosbora, which when increased by dvuhmatochnom beekeeping 40-70%.

Also, at any time of the year, especially in winter, bees feel comfortable, them warm, they consume less food, and in the spring breeding faster, creating strong families.

But there are disadvantages such beekeeping:

The complex structure of a beehive shape. After reviewing video or drawings, This can be seen as.

Hives poorly ventilated, which leads to swarming, if time does not take the necessary measures.

Problematic tracking uterus. To achieve fruitful nest, you have to dismantle the entire structure.

Technology dvuhmatochnoho bee on Svyrydenko

In Dnipropetrovsk region have developed a new method of keeping families dvuhmatochnyh.

Метод двухматочного бджільництва по Свириденко

Sviridenko method

In the hive-loungers set separation grating, that insects could see and smell each other.

Regularly stretch frame with brood on 2-3 pieces and bees, that they serve, these insects formed strong cuttings.

Also needed, to the family not moved in swarming.

Interestingly, Svyrydenko that the method only works with strong families, which are divided into 2 parts.

One fruitful womb, and the second family settled alien queen, it should cover cap.

Dvuhmatochne beekeeping to help sunbeds in a short period of time for more 16 frames with brood, derived in strong families.

Rational dvuhmatochne beekeeping in Ozerov

Methodology Ozerov – This hive trohkorpusnyy. Ozerov shares lower case on 2 halves, which can accommodate up to 8 framework.

Partition, which separates them, should be easy vyymatysya.

Утримання бджіл по Озерову

Keeping bees in Ozerov

The second building consists of a notch or two cells depending on need.

The third body – This fully letok.

At the bottom of the design is put traps for ticks and ventilation stand.

All cases collapsible, and their normal use require high stand for each case.

Unfortunately, Ozerov method is not widely spread.

While the three-tiered reviews of beekeepers hives and bee keeping them hit – result on medozboru 80% higher than odnomatochnyh families.

Observe also more comfortable for insect heat balance, increase the number of healthy bees flying, which can engage in the season medosbora, energy saving bee colonies.

Dvuhmatochne beekeeping – This is serious science, which is conceived by bugs and new discoveries.

But first it is necessary to read the videos and educational literature, which will help you along the way.

The result will not take long, we hope, that next season using technology dvuhmatochnoyi insects gather in your apiary on 50% honey more.

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