In the last decade on apiaries in many European countries and some countries in North America had observed this unpleasant and inexplicable phenomenon, a mass death of bees.
Beekeepers around the world sounded the alarm.
It was even observed, that when leaving nomadic apiary in place insects in no hurry to make a test flight and may even die of starvation despite a large number of flowering around the apiary honey plants.
Scientists entomologists found the cause of mass deaths of bees.
It was found, it is not the varroa mite – масове захворювання, resulting in the deaths of many bees apiaries.
The main cause of death in bees, що сільгоспугіддя для захисту від комах-шкідників обробляють пестицидами нового покоління – неонікотиноїдів.
It is highly toxic poison. In addition to vegetables such substances were processed vegetable fence, woods, surrounding fields and meadows.
And just treatment period coincides with honey crop flowering period.
Another reason barbaric, why bees are dying, commercial. The industrial pump honey apiaries accepted as fully, that in the winter the family left without reserves of natural food.
substitutes sugar syrup. Because of this insect so weakened by winter, bad breeding, This also leads to mass deaths of bees.
The third reason, in which there is a massive loss of insects, – це відсутність у них різноманітних рослин для збору нектару.
This was proved two hundred years ago beekeeper researcher, founded apiculture commercially, P. AND. Prokopovichem.
He believed, that one apiary should be no more than fifty hives.
Many modern beekeepers began to follow this idea and actively build up around its base apiary good bee plants.
Another reason, why bees are dying, is, that their resistance to infection is reduced through the use of antibiotics in the fight against the same disease.
Do not get involved in the use of these drugs, This leads to the formation of resistant strains of infections and deaths of bees.
Antibiotics have the ability to accumulate in bee products, it was also proven by numerous studies.
Апімондія – міжнародна федерація бджолярів – за результатами своїх досліджень представила дані, which states that, In Europe only one year killed about 30% honey all workers.
Mass death of bees could result in loss of pollinators of many crops, and therefore, their extinction.
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