Honey is considered fully ripe, If the cells are sealed.
It is quite rich in enzymes and ready for use.
But what, if it is not sealed bee?
In this article we consider the possible reasons and tell you, what should be done in a particular situation.
Timely sealed honey guarantees high quality. When this happens, we can talk about several options:
Зацукрований мед – не просто неякісний продукт, bees they can not eat and die from hunger.
It will not be necessary to absorb from the air water, в результаті – спрага, diarrhea, loss of bees.
There is a number of issues, related causes sugaring.
Any reasons, leading to, cells that are not sealed in time, provoke unpleasant consequences.
With the onset of winter this honey starts strongly absorb water from the air, as a result it becomes too liquid and starts to flow.
Sealed honey
What happens next? The process of fermentation and souring. Bees contaminated, come disorder of the digestive system and a greater degree of probability we can talk about diarrhea and other unfortunate consequences.
Інша ситуація – в гнізда сімей потрапляє honeydew honey, which is a danger to bees during the winter.
This may be collecting in areas near the forest, especially where many Padi.
It is therefore important to monitor what, from which plants the bees carry offerings.
Distinguish honeydew honey from the flower is quite simple. Firstly, Bees can not seal, per-second, він визначається за кольором – темному, often with greenish tint.
It is often unpleasant taste and no flavor of the rich. true, flower honey can be mixed with a little padevogo, What also should be avoided.
you decided, why honey bees are not sealed, it is important to find out the root cause and try to resolve the issue in a timely manner.
In the case of zatsukrovannym need to download and give poor honey bees sugar syrup.
This will warn possible diarrhea, as well as other undesirable consequences. A little more difficult with honey honeydew.
They are stored until assembly nests for the winter, true, there may not be enough to complete the, then use the frame, remaining after removal shop.
That's them that will bring insects and honeydew honey.
When you notice, that comes hives, remove the nests and feed frames allow empty cells, placing them near the brood.
In compiling the winter, these frames are removed and replaced by trained cell with quality honey.
To determine the presence Padi faithful are several ways. Of particular interest is the drip method, most accurately displays its content and degree of danger for the state bee.
It should take a glass tube, clean water, «реактив» – вапняну воду в одному випадку і винний спирт (96 C), the second option.
Read: Celandine Bee: treatment and processing.
The method allows to obtain more reliable information.
If the beekeeper will provide the necessary conditions for the collection and will comply with the terms, and make timely checks, You can avoid many problems.
Only good quality product bees will seal, and they will take good winter, and will support the vital functions necessary.
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