How useful Bee pidmor, admission rules. Since ancient times, healers knew about the healing properties of bee plague and used this valuable product for the treatment of about a hundred diseases!
Learn to cook and you take natural medicines and, which can cure many ailments.
Бджолиний мор або підмор – це тіла померлих бджіл. Hardworking striped insects have short life span.
In the summer they live no more 40-45 days, а в зимовий – кілька місяців. Only in winter killed about 0,5 kg of insects, but bee plague has healthful properties, so it has long been used to treat heart diseases and blood vessels, reproductive system and kidney, endocrine system, enhance immunity and disease prevention.
The body contains nutrients insects, including enzymes, amino acids, hormones, proteins, etc..
If you are interested, How useful sea bee, read, What the properties of this product.
Its application in medicine Bee pidmor was due to the unique healing properties:
Use pidmoru striped toilers helps reduce pain and shorten the recovery period after surgery and serious diseases. The use of this tool reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood and improves blood brain.
Bee plague, as a cure, has long found its application in medicine. It is used independently (example, powder with bees), and connect with other components, which enhance its therapeutic action.
List of diseases, treatment using bee plague, endless. Acceptance of these "drug" helps prevent the emergence of various diseases, because it is often used as a preventive measure.
It is a versatile folk remedy, but with severe disease should not rely solely on the effectiveness of alternative medicine. Before use, consult your doctor.
To prepare folk remedies bee pidmor should be free of mold and have a pleasant sweet smell. The collected cells insects must protrusit on a large sieve, to separate them from trash.
Then the sea dry in an oven or furnace at 40-45 WITH. Do not dry in the sun pidmor, as at 25-30 ° C it begins protuhaty and drugs becomes a dangerous poison.
Dried cells in a linen bag can be stored 12 months. Головне – вибрати сухе і добре провітрюване місце.
Bee plague useful for all organs and systems, and its possible application in several ways depending on the characteristics of the disease.
This method is used for external treatment. 100 g pidmoru pour hot water and leave for 15 minutes. Do not use hot water, as it will destroy many bioactive substances.
Place the prepared sea bees on the affected area, example, Slaughter or painful joints.
Cover and polyethylene prymotaty elastic bandage.
Keep the pack, until it has cooled. Bosh also used in the fight against varicose veins, but before, start treatment, consult your doctor.
With this recipe, you can forget about back pain, bosh and women to help get rid of mastitis.
Read more: The benefits of royal jelly
To prepare the broth take 0,5 l water and 1 st.l. pidmoru. Please mixture on fire and cook for about 2 hours on low heat. At the end of cooking, leave broth infuse, and when cooled, strain.
It is recommended to take decoction men, suffering from prostate adenoma, impotence or prostatitis.
To return to normal sexual life, must 2-3 times a day, take 1 st.l. broth.
Be sure to wash down with warm water with honey (on 0,5 Article. води – 1 ch.l. bee products). The course of treatment should be 1 month
Women, struggling with overweight, should also drink a decoction of bee plague along similar lines.
Due bioactive substances, are improving metabolism and body fat "melting" in front. When combined prescription of proper nutrition and exercise can lose weight by 4-5 kg per month.
For cooking you need to take liniment 200 ml vegetable oil. It is advisable to olive. Heat butter, a tablespoon of chopped dried powder bee. Mix the basic ingredients.
When the mixture has cooled, pour it into a glass of dark glass. Store in the refrigerator should. Used topically.
Before applying liniment should be warm home to a warm state: Mohr as useful components are easier to penetrate the skin. Recommended liniment for pain in the back and joints, thrombophlebitis and other diseases.
To prepare infusion, Fill half quart bee pidmorom. After so fill it with alcohol, so that the liquid level was at 5 see above. If no alcohol, You can take vodka.
Please bank in a cool place, where there is no sunlight (cellar or pantry) on 2 week. Every few days, shake the contents of banks.
Strain the infusion and send in the refrigerator for storage.
Read more: Ointment with bee pidmoru.
Sake is great for internal use, but can also be used for rubbing and compresses.
The dosage and frequency of admission depends on each case (the weight and age of the patient, of the disease, etc.).
Alcohol tincture dose should not exceed 20-30 drops. Medicines need to breed in water or milk. To be effective, must take food.
Freshly sea should fry in butter. When cooled, crushed and taken before a meal, drinking milk. At a time to eat 1 ch.l. fried bees. Means you can not prepare for the future.
A special delicacy, which must be taken twice a day, helps strengthen the immune system, nausea inflammation, increase hemoglobin levels.
Regular intake of beer pidmoru helps prevent viral and other diseases.
Dried sea Mince powder. Take powder required for 1 teaspoonful, drinking water or milk. Take herbs to be food.
Medical powder plague will make sleep stronger and calm the nervous system, and eliminate the sexual problems, improve circulation and increase body tone.
Recipe krioporoshka not difficult, as simply insist on honey bee plague.
Taurus bees mix honey and leave a day. After over low heat and dry them into powder grate.
Take krioporoshok to be 0,5 ch.l. every day before meals with nervous disorders, heart disease, low immunity and other ailments.
Knowing, of which helps bee plague and how to use it, you can always stay healthy.
This tool is versatile and helps fight colds, bronchitis, sexual disorders, insomnia, etc..
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