Can I eat honey in the combs with wax
Can I eat honey in the combs with wax: and contraindications.
If you are ever lucky enough to try wax honeycomb apiary to your friend or neighbor, you have lost in this life.
The benefits of organic food says a lot, especially because we will not repeat – fact good for the human body found by scientists from around the world.
But is it possible to eat honey with honeycombs and how you need to do, you learn, read this article.
Honeycomb honey can be purchased at agricultural fairs or visiting specialty stores.
It is much more expensive, vykachennoy than its counterpart from the scope, because it is an environmentally friendly product, which can be used without further processing for medical purposes.
WordHex should thoroughly chew, to provide them with honey.
Under the influence of saliva wax becomes softer, but you get the flower nectar and natural antiseptic – propolis, how bees smeared innards before laying hundreds main product.
In honey, as a natural pharmacy, is an arsenal of nutrients:
- natural fibers;
- Vitamins C and B;
- carotene, ascorbic acid;
- organic, and fatty acids;
- to 76% fructose and glucose.
Honey cells contain large amounts of pollen, therefore distinguish buckwheat, Lime, cherry or other variations of this product, whichever, where tireless toiler collected nectar.
The benefits of honey cell
Wax WTO, as does honey, has many useful properties, namely it contains propolis, and ambrosia pollen, so it can be used, but in limited quantities, t. as the stomach digests it is not.
If you accidentally swallow chewed the wax and honey, when eaten honeycomb, do not worry – nothing bad will happen, your body will provide all the necessary wax substance, and then bring it naturally.
Read more: honey, lemon, pumpkin and ginger - use immunity.
Over the years BC, the ancient people ate honey and wax found, this delicious substance has unique properties:
- Actively fights against upper respiratory tract, and the entire system.
- Chewing hundred charitable affects the mucous.
- Chewing soft wax, they learned, it cleans teeth from plaque, preventing the emergence of various diseases and tooth decay.
- Great benefits of honey from the honeycombs in the treatment of such unpleasant diseases, as sinusitis and rhinitis.
- Once inside the digestive tract, Wax connects all toxic substances, helping their rapid removal.
Honey sealed honeycomb diluted with water for injection, to bury in the eye during cataract treatment.
Can eating cells, swallow wax
WordHex – a natural product of beekeeping, very useful for the human body, t. it is adsorbent, attracting all toxins.
Minerals and vitamins, inside, digested, only when it is inside the human body – This happens when chewing.
There is a risk, that unscrupulous manufacturers have used for hundreds Wax, which is made from paraffin, but its specific taste different from the natural product.
Asked, if you can swallow beeswax, Modern medicine gives a definite answer: in the absence of contraindications nothing wrong will happen to you.
Only it does not mean, it can be eaten without restriction, around should know when to stop.
How to eat honey in the comb
WordHex with honey is cut into small pieces no larger than 2x2 cm, then chew it for a few minutes, until the feeling disappears sweets.
Then wax removed from mouth, but small particles get inside his body.
The benefits of eating honey comb, not separated from each other, and with the ancient wax claimed doctors at the beginning of our era.
Swallowing a little wax inside, You can get rid of stomach ulcers, because it contains propolis – natural antiseptic, which kills bacteria, strengthens the immune system.
Beekeeping supplies us unique remedies for any illness, provides preventive effect on the human body.
Read more: Is honey increases blood sugar for diabetics?
Contraindications and possible consequences
Useful properties of honey known, but, Unfortunately, not everyone can try this natural treat:
- The products from the apiary is not recommended to use at a high stage of cancer, t. they accelerate the division of cancer cells.
- Individual intolerance of birth.
- The presence of large blood glucose, but at an early stage diabetes doctors allow use honey instead of sugar, but in small doses.
- Gastritis honey comb can not eat, but pure and encouraged small numbers.
- The use of this combination is forbidden or urolithiasis patients with diseases, associated with the gall bladder.
As you can see from the list of restrictions, contraindications not so much, and bulk consumers can enjoy honey or drink infusions based on it without any problems.
In folk medicine, honey, and beeswax is used in many recipes not only tinctures, but ointments, thus conducted comprehensive treatment.
Storage cell honey
Experts advise to leave during prolonged storage zabrus – sealed lid intact cells, because that honey is not always settled and fresh.
Here are some tips from professional beekeepers:
- cells divide neatly into small pieces, Lay them in a container of glass or enamel bowl;
- special temperature conditions may be waived, but it must be remembered, that this does not tolerate heat and cold, the optimum storage – a refrigerator;
- cells can not be kept in the sun, best to keep honey in a cool dark place – rural ideal cellar;
- particular note, apiary products that strongly absorb odors, so it is better to put into sealed containers.
Read more: Radish and honey cough: drugs available.
To preserve all the beneficial properties of bee products, and persistent aroma of summer, should strictly follow all recommendations, then you will always have on hand a unique natural remedy and a source of gustatory pleasure.
hope, you found this article answers many questions, and learned many new and unknown facts benefits of bee products and how to store them, that all the nutrients are not evaporated.