Is it possible to heat the honey
Is it possible to heat the honey: which temperatures.
honey – valuable product, which contains many enzymes and nutrients.
It has long been known, which when heated many useful components in bee products destroyed.
If you do, it is a process of oxidation and the binding of certain chemical elements.
Heat honey can, if it is done correctly and to a certain temperature.
The point is, in cosmetics and in cooking allowed sugared product, which can scratch the skin or poorly mixed with other ingredients.
Therefore, it simplifies the process of applying heat.
To what temperature can be heated honey?
Beekeepers recommend to heat the product to a temperature no higher 36 WITH. Above this level of valuable substances are converted into harmful.
Most, that polysaccharides and fructose, comprising the substance, isolated on heating carcinogen – oksimetilfurfurol.
If you eat a product, it can lead to poisoning, and long-term use in small doses – even the appearance of tumors.
It is therefore not possible to put the nectar in hot water or tea. It is best to eat sweets and drink warm drink.
Or cool drink properly and only then add nectar.
Why can not heat the honey in the microwave?
In the microwave to heat the honey can not be, as waves act on the molecules and ions.
There are several ways of heating product:
These methods will correct a method of heating the honey in a water bath. So just do not overheat the product and be able to monitor the level of temperature.
In the microwave heating is uneven. So, the bottom is hot, and the top cold.
If this, it also produced a carcinogen.
At what temperature honey loses its beneficial properties?
Even when 40 an allocation degrees carcinogen. at 60 medical degrees turns a dark liquid mass.
Dark testifies, that sucrose, part of the bee products, prigoraє. This honey to eat in any case be.
Therefore, heat the honey to reduce viscosity need only a water bath until barely warm state.
Can I put honey in hot water? This absolutely can not do.