Can sunflower honey bees feed during hibernation

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Чи можна годувати бджіл соняшниковим медом в період зимівліWintering bees in sunflower honey: guidelines and rules.

Honey from sunflower is a unique medical product, which has healing properties.

It is suitable not only for prevention, but also for treatment.

A distinctive feature of products – liquid consistency, having a golden, green, amber or yellow tones.

It contains a pleasant sourness and astringency.

If you try it, you can feel, as you stings the throat.

Mostly specific flavor, which decreases with time, when the product zatsukrovuyetsya.


Insects extract honey from the nectar of sunflower. Fields handled throughout the summer.

Get honey can be in mid-August. This type of honey relates to early varieties, as many mature to late October.

If the cells are sealed, then the crystallization process is slightly delayed.

A natural product of bees are able zasaharytsya twenty days, while on the streets, which indicates its naturalness.мед з соняшнику

If the sunflower honey contains large amounts of glucose, it quickly begins to crystallize, so it can not be left for the winter.

In the mature honey sunflower many small grains, resembling melted butter.

He subsequently hardens.

As part of this honey has many vitamins, enzymes and minerals.

The main difference from other grades is, that it contains large amounts of glucose and only about two percent sugar.

The healing properties of products due to the presence of vitamin PP, E. According to American researchers, in this honey a lot of protein and amino acids.

If natural product of bees, in the process of sugaring white crust forms, containing glucose.

An important advantage of glucose – it instantly turns into a human blood.

If a person has a deficiency of the substance, then there is a failure in the cardiovascular system.

In this situation, shown daily use of honey from sunflower.


  • mustard or gold color;
  • relish, reminiscent of fruit;
  • No stickiness;
  • crystals dissolve completely in the mouth;
  • there is an odor of hay. Some say, it smell like fried potatoes;
  • going with sunflower.

It has strong antiallergic properties, restores the gastrointestinal tract, actively struggling with diarrhea, treating malaria, atherosclerosis and neuralgia.

As for storage products, its shelf life is very big, Despite the rapid crystallization.

During the month of honey will store the liquid structure, if you keep it in a cool dark room.

In the melting absent any need, since all drugs, valuable properties are retained even in a candied.

Wintering bees in the street

To successfully without loss of bee families survive the harsh winter, Recommend beekeepers build beehouse.

This special basement room, which stores hives in winter.

Can sunflower honey bees feed during hibernationInsects need food and warmth, to survive until spring.

Mainly, they are fed sugar syrup, Kandy and honey products.

Many beekeepers refuse this variety for wintering bees, as it quickly crystallizes.

As a result, bees develop digestive problems.

Insects do not feel the need for such honey, so it can be easily replaced with sugar syrup, which is easily absorbed by the body bees during hibernation.

Some beekeepers are actively used sunflower honey for wintering bees happy.

Mainly, they feed the bees is not particularly cold winter, when there is high humidity.

In this case, the crystallization occurs later, because the bees do not have problems with digestion.

Professional beekeepers recommend replacing the variety of honey to others, more profitable for the period of hibernation.

When deciding, which feed honey bees in the winter months, must take into account the fact, Sunflower honey that is characterized by high levels of vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Such substances are essential for a successful event bees winter.

Practitioners and competent beekeepers prefer to mix the variety of sugar syrup.

This can reduce undesirable crystallization process to a minimum.

First, the insects begin to eat light sugar. With the onset of spring in the comb is no trace of artificial feeding, guaranteeing quality products without sugar.

When the air temperature is colder, Honey faster starts zatsukrovuvatsya, with warm temperature, it can harden, therefore not lost his medical, nutritional properties.

Leading beekeepers insist, which should be regularly and properly maintain a certain temperature, to preserve the structure of honey production.

Pay special attention to, that rapid crystallization process is not a strong disadvantage of this class, as useful and medicinal properties are, their number is not reduced.

The product life of bees, made of sunflower, differs pleasant taste, aroma and beautiful shade, and easy digestibility in humans.

It belongs to the varieties of honey nekaloriynyh.

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