Senotainioz - bee disease, methods of dealing with fly. In this article we consider the features of one of the invasions, яка може привести…
Protecting bees from ants, mice, wasps and tits. Every day honeybees in contact with the environment, тому їм постійно загрожує…
Hornet Bee enemy: methods of dealing with wasps. Features living next to a man: as winter hornets? Як зимують шершні -…
Getting rid of ants in a hive, the apiary. Every novice beekeeper, probably, in the first season honey face issues,…
Bee wolf (filant) - bee enemy: struggle. Bees many enemies, including wasps, but one of the most dangerous…
If a mouse hive to deal with them? Abatement of mice in the apiary. Mice - це найбільш поширений ворог…
Wasps in the apiary - how to get rid of them, methods of control. axis - it is a necessary evil, which lies in wait for every beekeeper. І найголовніше…
Golden Bird Schurko (bee-eater): control measures. Having got apiary, must take into account many, Disposition such as birds nests, who eat bees. Не…