The enemies of pests and bees

Senotainioz – fly pest bees

Senotainioz - bee disease, methods of dealing with fly. In this article we consider the features of one of the invasions, яка може привести

7 years ago

Protecting bees

Protecting bees from ants, mice, wasps and tits. Every day honeybees in contact with the environment, тому їм постійно загрожує

7 years ago


Hornet Bee enemy: methods of dealing with wasps. Features living next to a man: as winter hornets? Як зимують шершні -

8 years ago

How to get rid of ants in a hive

Getting rid of ants in a hive, the apiary. Every novice beekeeper, probably, in the first season honey face issues,…

8 years ago

Bee wolf (filant)

Bee wolf (filant) - bee enemy: struggle. Bees many enemies, including wasps, but one of the most dangerous…

8 years ago

Mice in the apiary – how to get rid

If a mouse hive to deal with them? Abatement of mice in the apiary. Mice - це найбільш поширений ворог

8 years ago

Wasps in the apiary – how to deal with them

Wasps in the apiary - how to get rid of them, methods of control. axis - it is a necessary evil, which lies in wait for every beekeeper. І найголовніше

8 years ago

golden Schurko (bee-eater)

Golden Bird Schurko (bee-eater): control measures. Having got apiary, must take into account many, Disposition such as birds nests, who eat bees. Не

8 years ago