Bee wolf (filant) – ворог бджіл: struggle.

IN Bees many enemies, including wasps, але один з найнебезпечніших – це бджолиний вовк або філант.

Quickly and massively multiply, This wasp-predator causes significant damage apiary.

It belongs to the family of sand wasps insects of the order Hymenoptera.

  1. Region of residence
  2. Prey bee wolf
  3. Fighting filantom
  4. Enemies filanta


Bee wolf lives in the Central Asian states, North Caucasus, south Ukraine.

In this wasp is common in southern, often along rivers, but can be easily found and Kama ashore near the city of Perm.

Prefers to settle in the sand, well-warmed slopes.

Prey bee wolf

Correctly say "wolf", because it is female. The female abdomen has six segments, а у самця – з семи.

in addition, females have antennae between images in two horns, the male crown this image trehrohoyi.

Females and males bee wolf is difficult to discern.

The male has no sting, not prey on bees, харчується нектаром рослин і виконує своє пряме призначення – запліднює самку.

The female has a force, during fertilization can fly, carrying a male.

Самка – це велика оса, at length about 18 mm, her large head and elongated abdomen bright yellow. The female powerful jaws, This powerful predator.

On a sandy slope wasp digs deep, reaching a length of one meter hole, ending cameras, they postponed larva.

It is here she will bear killed bee. The larva will grow, bees feeding on dead bodies.

For the full growth larva to six bees need for the entire period of maturation. Then it becomes a pupa, from which come new young wasp.

Filant bee finds a place of gathering nectar and pollen. For odor wasp chooses the victim and her attacker.

Bee wolf attacks suddenly, vtykayuchy sting his neck the running bee, sucks out the dead gathered fermented nectar, a dead body carries a socket.

If you remove the wasp nectar of zobik, it becomes a poison, larva can not feed bee body and die of hunger.

After hunting filantu need to return to the hole for assembly production, wasp easily find your home, as it long before the flight circled over it and remember the location of the stones, branches, blades of grass.

In this filant benchmarks and finds its nest. If shift their location or fill hole, bee wolf can not find it for a long time.

Fighting filantom

Бджолиний хижак вовк – це велика проблема не тільки для бджолярів, but for gardeners.

Beekeepers with great reluctance combating wasps chemicals, instead use simple mechanical methods.

But in some cases they can be very dangerous, as wasp, defending, can attack man.

Найпростіші способи боротьби з філантом – закрити гніздо целофаном, pour gas, solyarkoyu, Dihlofos.

Ефективний спосіб – влаштувати пастки з пластикових пляшок. Wasps love fruit smell zahravshyh, because the bottle is poured sugar syrup jam zakysnuvshym.

Wasps penetrate the bottle, quotes they namokayut, They can not fly and die. There is this method selectively.

Bees do not fall into the trap, because quite busy gathering nectar, they have no time.

Enemies filanta

This powerful predator is their mortal enemy:

  • fly of the genus Senotainia;
  • wasp lustrer.

The fly of the genus Senotainia, getting into the nest bee wolf, lays its larvae in the bee killed.

Then the mink will wasp elderly, and young Senotainia, dull gray fly. Ця мушка – зозуля світу комах.

The wasp lays eggs, blestyanka, parasitic larvae in the nests on filanta.

This wasp kills from 30% to 60% offspring bee wolf, and can completely destroy the colony.

The life of the bee wolf is rather complicated and strict, but, apparently, Wolves also need nature, that sheep are not asleep.

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