Category: Dog-rose


How to prepare the infusion of rose hips

How to prepare the infusion of rose hips at home. Question, How to prepare the infusion of rose hips, often given. No people, except for the youngest children, who would not have known about the healing properties of this fruit, прекрасний смак...


How to make rose hips diabetes 2 Family

Rosehip diabetes 2 Family: or you can drink. Rosehip is a popular means of herbal medicine. Specialists recommend the use of traditional medicine its fruit for the treatment of various diseases. Many diabetics know, that diabetes is well treated...


How rosehip drink for treating kidney

Rosehip to treat kidney and bladder: receptions. Traditional medicine is actively developing. There are many recipes, that promise immediate treatment. Many of them are useless, but there are plenty of exceptions. One such – tinctures...


Useful properties of rosehip for infants

Rosehip for children under one year: can we give, receptions. Використання шипшини для дітей до року викликає палкі суперечки і безліч питань: when to start receiving decoction or tea, how to cook, яка виправдана і...


How to brew a thermos rose hips

How to brew a thermos rose hips? Benefits and harms. Specifics, recommendations and contraindications. Багато хто знає про лікувальну силу шипшини, It is widely used to combat colds. But not everyone knows, how to brew...


All of rose hips: how to properly brew and drink

Rosehip medicinal properties: tea recipes, broth. Since ancient times known, що плоди шипшини мають лікарські властивості і це джерело корисних компонентів, which is used as in folk, так і в офіційній медицині при лікуванні безлічі захворювань....
