
How to propagate by cuttings apple

Propagation by cuttings apple: the main intricacies procedures. Every cottager, gardener faced with such a situation, as the need for tree breeding. Іноді це потрібно

7 years ago

Important rules transplantation apple tree in spring

How successfully transplanted apple tree in spring: Guide with Video. If you care for your apple tree, можна отримувати стабільний урожай протягом

7 years ago

How to form the crown of apple

The formation of the crown of apple: popular methods. Caring for fruit trees is important in horticulture. Процес формування крони яблуневого дерева не

7 years ago

Apples Antonivka – when to collect?

When collecting apples Antonovka, that they survived longer? Antonivka - is one of the most popular apple varieties, який люблять садити

7 years ago

Planting apple trees in autumn

Planting apple trees in autumn | How to plant apple? Apple - it, apparently, саме звичайне і найпоширеніше дерево в наших фруктових

7 years ago

Nutrient apple trees in spring and autumn

Nutrient apple trees in spring and autumn: because of, video. To a tree in your garden is well developed and constantly fruited, необхідна якісна і

7 years ago

Pruning column-apple – scheme

Pruning column-apple - scheme, video | To trim the right column-apple tree. There is nothing better and more useful on a hot day,…

7 years ago

Diseases and pests of apple

Diseases and pests of apple: treatment, description, a photo. Like any other plant, apple also exposed to various diseases and pests, which…

7 years ago