Category: raspberry


Pruning raspberries remontant fall and spring

Pruning raspberries remontant fall and spring – video | To trim remontant raspberries correctly. raspberry – It is very tasty and useful berry. Every gardener will find on the site a small plot of land, to plant...


Pruning in spring and autumn raspberries

Pruning in spring and autumn raspberries | How and when properly raspberry crop – Photos and Videos. Often gardeners notice, raspberries that began to give less yield, and the size of the berries also decreased. After this...


Caring for raspberries fall and spring

Caring for raspberries fall and spring | How to care for raspberries – video. Growing raspberries, Each gardener tends a rich harvest of large sweet berries. However, it will have to work hard and know how...


The best varieties of raspberries

The best varieties of raspberries – description, a photo, video, reviews. raspberry – cultivated many years ago man plant, contains a lot of nutrients, vitamins and acids. There are various varieties of medicinal plants. Varieties of raspberry bushes share...


Pests and diseases raspberries

Pests and diseases raspberries: description, methods of control. raspberry – berries unpretentious, but demands the small, but constant attention, as well as the regular variety of diseases prevention, many of which can be caused by various parasites –...
