Category: Garden

amaryllis bulbs (gippeastrum) 0

amaryllis bulbs (gippeastrum)

If you want to create a home or at the cottage real greenhouse – buy bulbs Amarilis Dreaming, to grow surprisingly large flowers in your house or apartment, that little, something, inflorescences resemble varietal lilies? Then we advise you to...


How to propagate by cuttings apple

Propagation by cuttings apple: the main intricacies procedures. Every cottager, gardener faced with such a situation, as the need for tree breeding. Sometimes it is necessary to rejuvenate plants, dying conservation varieties. Apple trees are no exception, so it is important to know,...


The scheme forming the crown of cherries

Formation cherry crown: proper pruning scheme. There are many opinions, concerning pruning cherry tree. Some gardeners believe, there is no need of circumcision, especially in the first year of planting seedlings in the soil. If many branches,...


Tech spring planting cherry

Planting cherry spring: conditions and characteristics of care. An important issue in the care of a garden cherry is correct landing. It is important to clearly define the terms planting – it will fall, summer or early spring. It is necessary to correctly choose...


How to form the crown of apple

The formation of the crown of apple: popular methods. Caring for fruit trees is important in horticulture. The formation of the crown of apple trees are no exception. It is important to perform this procedure in accordance with a specific algorithm, will help make attractive...


The main diseases and pests of cherries

Diseases and pests of cherries: factors and methods to combat them. Almost all fruit crops affected by various diseases, pests. Cherry is no exception. However, if you care for a tree, properly handle it, can significantly reduce the number of...


Pruning raspberries remontant fall and spring

Pruning raspberries remontant fall and spring – video | To trim remontant raspberries correctly. raspberry – It is very tasty and useful berry. Every gardener will find on the site a small plot of land, to plant...


Apples Antonivka – when to collect?

When collecting apples Antonovka, that they survived longer? Antonivka – is one of the most popular apple varieties, who like to put on the site many gardeners. Those, who like to eat the most useful product prefer...
