Category: Propolis
The aqueous extract of propolis on schungite water
The extract of propolis on schungite water: application. The aqueous extract of propolis in water shunhitovoy – This is an excellent tool, used for medical purposes to fight inflammation. It has antimicrobial, bactericidal action, znebolyuye excellent and recycling...
The aqueous solution of propolis: treatment 1000 and 1 disease
The aqueous solution of propolis: and means for receiving recipes. Propolis water solution is considered to be the most effective extract compared to other extract of bee glue. Its powerful effect is due to good dissolving in an aqueous medium many...
propolis tincture: how to make?
propolis tincture: Instructions for use, contraindication. Propolis – a unique bee product, used as folk, and traditional medicine, to treat and prevent a variety of diseases. Propolis has long been known for its bactericidal, antiviral, Wound healing, inflammatory...
Allergy to propolis
How does allergic to propolis: Symptoms and Treatment. Allergy to propolis and other bee products is shown in a very small number of people. According to statistics,, among, who tried propolis treatment, adverse effects occurred only...