Category: Propolis


Honey with propolis – medicine, presented by nature

What treats Honey with propolis: how to make, accepting. If you want to replace your home first aid kit, crowded chemicals, some natural medicines? Do not believe me, it's possible? Honey Propolis has unique healing properties and can return...


As with propolis rid of cough

How to treat cough propolis: recipes use. In the season of colds you try to avoid virus, strengthens the immune system by various means, but was still coughing? For those, who wants to quickly get rid of the problem, good...


Application propolisnoho holstyku

Propolіsny wadding: application, that treats. Propolіsny wadding – This piece of fabric Holschovy, saturated with products of bees, it can be used to treat many diseases. Holschovuyu beekeeper puts a cloth under the cover of the hive, to avoid drafts....


Propolis pregnancy

Propolis pregnancy: benefit and harm tinctures. During pregnancy, the expectant mother and her baby need nutrition and getting the necessary vitamins and minerals. In this case, you can use the healing power of natural bee products....


Propolis cancer

Propolis cancer – Myth or Reality. Propolis – This bee glue. Bees used for the construction and installation of the hive, and to protect and disinfection. The point is, that the substance has strong antibacterial...

Propolis cough 0

Propolis Cough

Propolis Cough: ointment, infusion with milk. Propolis – valuable product of beekeeping, which provides a therapeutic effect for many ailments. Very often use propolis cough. This is because, the substance is immunomodulatory effect...


Propolis from fungus toenails

Propolis tincture from fungus toenails. Propolis – This bee glue, who recently used in various areas of traditional medicine. It should be noted, that propolis for outdoor use since ancient times used folk...


Propolis Face

The mask for the face with propolis: recipes and reviews. Propolis – effective against skin aging and decay. This material has unique properties, able to clear skin, humidify, give it a natural healthy color and even...

Propolis Eye 0

Propolis Eye

Propolis Eye: how to make a drop. Propolis – a kind of glue, performing in the hive and disinfecting protective function. It is this last feature and prompted researchers to, to try to create drugs on this basis....
