Category: Cooking


Baked quince with honey – useful and tasty treats

As quince and honey baked in the oven: best recipes. Baked quince with honey – fragrant and delicious dessert, which will only benefit your body. Поєднання цінних вітамінами і мінералами продуктів дозволить налагодити роботу шлунково-кишкового...


Spicy sauce with honey and soy sauce for all occasions

Honey sauce and soy sauce: best recipes for home. Sauce, which is based on honey and soy sauce, many housewives used in the preparation of various meat, fish and vegetable dishes. Пікантна нотка дозволяє надати завершеності...


Dragonfly cheese with honey and nuts

Dragonfly cheese with honey and nuts – receptions. In the heated add dried honey, finely chopped nuts, egg yolks, wheat flour, butter, good knock, and then all mixed with pureed cottage cheese. Enter whipped...


The turkey in the oven with honey

The turkey in the oven with honey: easy recipe. Tonight embodied in the life of a regular recipes using honey – honey turkey in the oven. So, turkey is not a chicken in honey and with...


Chicken with mustard and honey – receptions

Chicken with mustard and honey: best recipes. Here are several recipes, when cooking using the main product of beekeeping – copper. Ці страви вже точно не залишать байдужими ваших близьких і ви отримаєте самі...


Apples and honey, baked multyvartsi

Baked apples with honey in multyvartsi: receptions. apples – enriched fruit, very common in our country. This price fruit even in the winter low. In accordance, це відмінний спосіб наситити організм вітамінами і...


Pumpkin with honey in multyvartsi

Pumpkin with honey in multyvartsi: Recipes with photo. Autumn on the tables of many housewives appear pumpkin desserts. Many women cooked pumpkin pies, muffins and pies. But the best pumpkin honey multyvartsi. Ця страва...


Honey cake in multyvartsi

Honey cake in multyvartsi: Recipes with photo. honey – favorite treat of many people. It is added to pastries, pancakes sprinkled with honey or just eat with tea. In addition to the possession of excellent taste honey is very useful,...
