Category: Bees


Microloan online

Microloans online Urgently need money, and finding time to visit the bank is not easy - anyone can get into such a situation, and it seems hopeless only at first glance. An online loan is the best way out. Here...


What to do if bitten by a bee

The bee is a real symbol of diligence, in addition, this insect is of great benefit to man. But a bee sting can cause an unpleasant and dangerous allergic reaction. When some people easily tolerate such bites, then for others...

Everything for beekeeping in Birukom 0

Everything for beekeeping in Birukom

Everything for beekeeping in Birukom The sphere of beekeeping activity can be considered in the format of a hobby or a business. In any case, you need to provide your swarms with good living conditions and proper care., what can be done, having acquired in...

Яку породу бджіл вибрати?What breed of bees select? 0

What breed of bees select?

Nowadays people, studying the basics of beekeeping, repeatedly faced with the question on selection of breeds bees. For each area can approach or another species of bees. And according to the choice of breed...

Basics of Beekeeping for Beginners 0

Basics of Beekeeping for Beginners

The successful holding of bees involved not only professionals, but novice beekeepers. This type of activity is very popular, developed in the modern world. Short and superficial information about keeping apiaries known to many, but the nuances and specifics are available...

Methods of checking the quality of honey 0

Methods of checking the quality of honey

High-quality honey differs excellent taste, preserving natural composition, long shelf life. To determine the quality characteristics of honey requires special analysis, and a special quality control. Otherwise there is a risk of non-natural face...
