Brauloz bees (lice)
Brauloz bees (bee lice): etiology, treatment.
Brauloz bees (Braulosis) – invasive diseases of bees, which can lead to death of the whole family.
The word "Invasible" means, that cause disease are parasites, who suck juices from bees, acting on it depressing, also suffers uterus.
The disease is highly contagious.
The etiology of the disease
first brauly (otherwise lice) enter the hive with bee.
Braula postpones the day just one egg, and a hundredth, and has not yet closed the lid. A week later, larvae hatch from eggs.
She moves to eating wax (and feeds them well) and eventually turns into a pupa.
Then she hatches are Braula, which initially colorless, then darkens and becomes brown.
If you look under the microscope Vauchoux, you can see, it hairy or bristly (see photos).
Louse gets a healthy working bee, and then and dwell. Uterus thus loses activity. It is now clear, that might cause such a dangerous disease.
The consequences of infection
turns, suffering from the disease is not only the "working class", and all other family members.
uterus, example, much less lay eggs, and they behave very restless bees.
vermin do not give them peace, but drop them off can not even, they firmly hold its tenacious paws.
As a result, the family is weak and passive develops.
in addition, worker bees feel bad and bring enough food.
The uterus and did not justify hopes – unable to cope with their responsibilities. In some cases, the uterus is completely ceases to bear fruit.
Then replace the uterus. If you do not use a rapid and effective treatment, then the infection can cause death of the whole family.
in addition, infected individuals may hit other hives, where other infected uterus. As a result, affected the entire apiary.
Treatment braulozu
There are two ways to effectively treat. First – same, which when infected tick, ie using the drug "Amitraz", and you can even use it as a preventive measure. As a result, the queen and worker bees are protected.
The second method involving the use of phenothiazine.
This drug is put on paper and warm.
Patient care is the resulting white smoke.
In the hive allowed to 30-50 jets of smoke.
Helps even in the last stages of the disease.
Handler cause repeatedly. It must be remembered, lice infection that is very dangerous, because at some point the family can take off and leave the hive.
To avoid infection, must maintain cleanliness in the hive, order. Humidity should be moderate.
Bees should be warm and dry. In this case, the probability of infection is reduced lice several times.
Results lice quite difficult, so better to observe all precautions.
All breeds of bees susceptible to the disease, so protect yourself from it can not be.