Fighting wax moth Traditional methods

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Боротьба з восковою міллюFighting wax moth Traditional methods.

waxes miles, If no action is taken, can destroy the entire cell stock.

so, Once downloaded honey and liberated a large number of honeycomb, dry them.

Take an ordinary sprayer OPS-5, producing our industry to combat pests, including Colorado potato beetle, Fill it with brine and spray the cells on both sides.

After, as the water evaporates and the cell covered with a light dry salt, shake each, excess salt showering, hide them.

In these "salty" honeycomb moth not be acquired, and spring, When cells need to put in hives, spray them with water and then unnecessary to give bees salted water (5 grams per liter of water).

This event fully preserves cells, provides bees need salt.

But this guidance should be within the stainless steel or chrome, otherwise porzhaviye.

This productive way can be processed per hour up to a thousand frames.


Submitting empty cells in the hive, tightly closing notch snaps of tin or paper jams.

At the bottom of the hive put bushel capacity 50-100 milliliters, pour it into acetic acid, fit around the frame and close the hive.Боротьба з восковою міллю

He ceilings to put plastic wrap, to slow the release of acetic acid vapors.

In the hive spend at a time 4-5 tablespoons acid.

Instead, you can use vinegar or plain vinegar, spending it more.

Sometimes just watered acetic acid cells and they are perfectly preserved.

Because this cell disinfected, many pathogens are killed.

Any harmful effects on bees acid gives, as quickly evaporates.

Before you put the bees cells, they should be one – two o'clock airing.

Bees are willing to host cells. Treated cells from May to September every 10 days.

sandy everlasting

In order to waxes miles not damaged cells, Sprinkle under layer and are dried in the shade everlasting blossoms (immortelle) thick 1,5-2 cm, Close the box or hive, they are kept, and put in dark, dry and cool place .


Most cells store in tightly sealed boxes (hives buildings, etc.).

Боротьба з восковою міллюTo prevent skidding capacity in the moth stage in eggs or caterpillars, disinfect combs, putting in a box with formalin calculation 50 d of 1 cubic meter volume.

Good results are obtained pollination cell ektobakterinom, that does not harm bees and humans, but detrimental effect on moles.

You can save cell opened on drafts, placing them apart at a distance.

Most beekeepers holding cell in the attic, they are well ventilated.

On Over moles does not damage cells and can leave the winter, separating those, with ambrosia.

Latest covered with powdered sugar and stored at zero temperature, preferably below 10 WITH, because when these conditions are mole dies.


There are two ways to store honeycomb without bees.

  1. First. Overnight soak cells in water (preferably rainwater or river), pump it into medohontsi and dry air. Mol will not, because it damages cells, which was already brood.
  2. Second. Dry cells can store a total of plastic, tightly tied bag. This method is easier, but the first advantageous, because the cells are kept in air, and no ventilation in the bag.

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