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Бджолині стільники


honeycomb: construction, benefit, advantages.

Almost all, producing bees, good for the human body.

From bee pidmoru preparing medicinal tinctures and beauty, the benefits of honey even say no, and honeycomb, insects that build themselves, also useful and find application in various areas of our lives.

Amazingly, that tiny bees are building such structures in a relatively short period of time, and the structure has a perfect shape.

Construction of hundreds – a measure of good swarm device, presence of uterine and strong family.

Bees families of weak cell does not build. Today we tell about benefit wax, propolis and cerago WTO, of honey, which are produced, how to store and forgery.

  1. How to use honey comb?
  2. How to save and where to buy?
  3. All of the construction of hundreds
  4. Pumping and storing honey from the honeycombs
  5. The process of pumping
  6. How to store honey in comb
  7. How to extract hundreds of ambrosia

How to use honey comb?

Honey comb always loved buying. It is sold in cans in the form of broken or as a complete bar to further use or melting.

Small children love the soft discs and cubes, you can chew. Honey gently melts on the tongue, wax and thrown.

Of course, it is also possible to eat, long time to chew or eat a bit of sugar on black bread.

Young children, and adults swallow wax is not recommended – it is poorly digested stomach, can cause difficulty, bloating and other troubles.

The best option – this chewing, during which stands propolis and ambrosia, terribly useful for our body.Стільниковий мед

Honeycomb honey good at diets.

Calorie honey comb high, but it is absorbed in 100%, not on the sides vidkladayuchys, cheeks and other problem areas.

The fact, cells that have chewed, play a role – much honey you just do not eat, trite tired jaw.

Especially important for people honey, who have long fasting and diet, daily diet which consists of 500-1000 calories. Your body will be supported, nutrients.

How would you not eat honeycomb, its useful properties are not reduced.

If you want horrible honey, and he will even dreamed, you should not look into Dream and internet, just go and buy it.

Buying honey sectional Cell, you get only natural product, which will give cheerfulness and health.

Not always chewing cells, because they still contain some of the garbage, even of insects.

In this case, it melted. Is in pan, not boil, but simply warmed.

You can also set the broken cells to the balcony in the sun. Sweet treats separated, and all the debris to the surface.

Read: Honey and pressure: application, contraindication.

By the way, this method is used in apiaries, but we will talk more later.

How to save and where to buy?

Buy honeycomb and honey comb can be on market, on the internet or in specialized shops.

be careful, sometimes fake honey comb. To answer the question of, if you can fake honey comb, should understand, that cell – is sealed by bees cells.

Open and close them in order, honey to remove and replace it with another, can not. But beekeepers feed the bees sugar syrup, and the benefit of significantly reduced honey.

Unfortunately, You can check naturalness, just came home, open pockets and tried the product.

You can also use a pencil. They spend on Product, reaction occurs and the color appears.

All of the construction of hundreds

During the construction of hundreds of insects using rear and middle legs, removing wax from the abdomen plate, chewing them, and then forming bottoms cells.

будівництво стільників бджоламиGet directions, that insects are involved in construction, simply: they gather in large groups, prosto navisajuci gives sotami gronami.

As we have said, the pace of construction and size can determine the state hundreds of bees.

A strong family creates the design level, other than excellent wax.

But weak insects unable to build anything, in this case set plastic honeycombs for bees, which completely mimic real.

It is important to ensure that, to comb constantly present free cell, not occupied by insects or honey.

If enough cells, bee family can stop reproduction, feel anxiety, that affect the quality of.

Read: Steam wax furnaces with their hands: drawing.

About pumping and storage of honey from the honeycombs

Of course, Honey main mass is pumped during medosbora.

earlier, when shed spring honey plant, evacuated May honey, but he is not mature and are usually used for blending.

First evacuated after spring varieties honeycomb retain or separate the required part, it will provide food for insects.

This honey is most useful and nutritious. But the best choice of medical herbs, medicinal plants, such as marigolds, He slowly crystallizes, and even last year's honey used for feeding.

This is particularly important, If you practice the apiary bezsotova wintering bees, which requires a smaller amount of food.

A few tips on how, how to get honey from the honeycombs at home:

  1. Selecting frame with bee honeycombs, honeycomb filled with honey, it is advisable to choose the, bees that are sealed at least 75%.
  2. If many brood frame, This then move the box and wait. When will brood, It will be filled with honey. Can not wait for the storage frame with bees, they eventually begin to decompose, and the entire frame to be unfit for sale or consumption of.
  3. Spend honey gently pumping cell, in a room with tightly closed windows and doors. The point is, that during a strong smell of honey, bees start to worry, fly from the hive and nervously scurry around the apiary, continuing to work. To avoid, cell units reach for the moment, When insects are absent during the mass departures.
  4. About, a medical pump hundreds of old or previously taken out, can say this: put them in a warm place, and just melted honey.
  5. On the question of, what to do with honey comb after winter, No clear answer. It melted, used for feeding. If possible, honey pumped directly, not accumulating hundreds for later.

Another way of obtaining their old honey honeycomb – This steam bath. Especially during long storage can be seen, honey comb zasaharyvsya.

What to do? The answer is simple: rozlamavshy cells, folding them in a pan, putting on a steam bath, can be melted mixture.

Many hundreds of old mash, up in a large tank and put in the sun or in the bath.

Through 2-3 Days mixture melts, and float to the surface remains bees, debris and wax. All this is going to a small number of the upper layer of honey.

This old method, it is good, suitable for large and small parties hundred.

also read: Why fall fly bee?

In modern apiaries can drown honeycomb using the oven or microwave, bolt team, to honey cells have not reached the boiling stage.

The process of pumping

Pumping conducted with a group of people 2-4 people, All tools and equipment, to be used, must be disinfected, knives sharpened, produced several liters of water.

It is worth mentioning, that disinfection honeycomb, all equipment, used the apiary, should be conducted regularly.

To apply hundreds of pouring water on 1 year, and then water – formalin solution for 5 hours or 12.Процес відкачування меду

2 Man begins the selection frame, shaking the bees in the hive brushes, make them in special boxes.

Cell honey frames set so, that during unsealing honey could safely drain.

For unsealing using a thin object – tine fork, acute beekeeping than.

Then cells installed in medogonku.

Preferred to evacuate honey 2-4 man.

After the evacuation of hundreds of honey bees got prepared for storage or sale.

It should stand for several days, until the surface of the fine dust rises, caught in the mixture during pumping and bookmarks bees.

To speed up the process, set the flasks and bottles of honey in the sun, later 4-5 hours garbage manifest.

How to store honey in the comb at home?

For long term storage of cellular vidkachannoho honey is recommended to use containers made of materials, not oxidized and does not enter into chemical reactions.

Як зберігати мед у стільникахTry to spread out the maximum amount of product in the container glass.

So, so honeycomb will occupy more space, but it does not lose its beneficial properties, color and flavor.

In short, marketability.

Put the honey in a room with moderate temperature there, where there is no access to sunlight.

The best option would be special equipment for apiary farm buildings, will store the product during the season.

The temperature should not exceed 20 C, and can not fall below the mark 10 C.

Read: How to make a platform for beehives.

And by the time cold honey is stored in a warm, but hot room, which successfully going through the winter and early spring.

How to extract hundreds of ambrosia

Pergamum, – saw it, by bees rammed into each cell honeycomb, and puts honey on top.

Pergamum, very useful, and only experienced beekeepers know that, how to extract it.

If you do everything correctly, then you add another item of income to your account apiary.

Perge WTO extracted in small quantities, it is less, than honey. so, product price increases tenfold.

To remove the old method used. You need a powerful blender and free time.

пергаThe method is ideal for the small number of WTO, the only rule – power blender must be at least 1,2 kW.

so, obsushenny cells put in the freezer or on the street, if the window winter, and so on leave 2 years.

WordHex beer can wrap package, so as not to clog the camera.

After freezing cells break down into small squares 2 x 2 or 3 x 3 cm and fit into the blender bowl on 1/3 bowls.

Then turn on the device in maximum mode and wait 15 seconds.

You will hear the sound readiness – broken honeycomb stop jumping and pounding.

The resulting mixture is poured into a sieve and sifted, You can also use faceted play stand.

The mixture is sifted – fall to the bottom of the husk, the surface is ambrosia. Agree, everything just?

Some experts say, freezing regime spoils the natural qualities cerago, but come beekeepers over the years.

They believe, that the material does not deteriorate, add a ambrosia feeding bees.

Another point is, in early spring bees feed on the remains independently cerago WTO, But she survived the winter frosts, humidity.

Read: Setting the second building on the hive.

Properly organized production and landscaped apiary help you profit from your favorite things, nature, bees and beneficial, delicious food.

Now we know that, how to get and process cells, as they are, and how our body gets the vitamins.

And the flavor and appearance of the product, even if it's pictures, immediately makes one want to eat or chew, as we all remember from childhood, how delicious!

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