Perge in pregnancy

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Бджолина перга при вагітності, чи можна вагітним пергу?Bee ambrosia during pregnancy, whether pregnant ambrosia?

Perge in pregnancy – a very useful tool, allowing both improve the health of women, and improve conditions for the development of the fetus.

This tool very effectively combats toxicity.

That's why pregnant bee bread is recommended to use in the early stages of fetal development, to relieve himself physiological process and prevent the likelihood of miscarriage.

Equally benefit ambrosia Pregnant brings the last month. She is a source of nutrients, vitamins, has a high energy value.

This allows to strengthen the immune system of the mother and, Consequently, baby.

The second advantage cerago for pregnant and lactating – it has no allergenic properties unlike many other bee products.

Therefore, it is recommended for people of all ages.

  1. Properties cerago pregnancy

The unique properties cerago pregnancy

Perge bee Pregnancy is useful primarily due to the presence of vitamin E, the so-called vitamin reproduction. Perge in pregnancy

Scientists have shown, that the shortage of women it occurred more frequently abortion of fetus.

This substance stimulates the hormones of pregnancy, prevents childbirth advance.

Vitamin E, contained in this product, pregnant women is also important due to its reinforcing properties vessels. This reinforces the placenta, which is very important for the nutrition of the fetus.

Contains about Perge 170 mg vitamin E 100 g, as well as many other vitamins, are also useful for pregnant women: BUT, WITH, AT.

Perge during pregnancy also useful due to the large amount of organic iron, which is needed in the recovery of blood loss, If this happens during childbirth.

Do not stop taking this product after delivery. It will provide great benefit for breast feeding, saturating the body of the mother, and baby lots of nutrients.

Take the product number needed to 14-21 g per day.

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