queen bee
How does the queen bee: development, breeding, a photo.
The uterus bees play a vital role in bdzholosim'yi – vstroyennomu hard body, Unity is supported by well-established relationships between all its many members: thousands of individuals working, hundreds of drones and the queen, which is a single copy.
All families differ in level of efficiency, hardiness, roylyvistyu, aggressiveness and other features, which can be saved only by the time, while living there and produces one and the same Mother bees.
After replacing it with a new modified and characteristics of, the next generation gets new hereditary characteristics.
Development queen bee
Among the large number of identical bees find the uterus is not as easy as it seems. But she still gets in your eyes, You can find it without any problems. As is still the queen bee?
It is larger than all other species, the length of the body exceeds the normal length of the body bees about half, mainly due to the elongated abdomen with unexpressed stripes on it.
Her three pieces of simple points are shifted on his forehead, and the wings are short and only partially cover the belly. In no wax uterine cancer and basket on legs.
It is not only externally but also in their biological development.
Phases of development and their subsequent sequence:
- old queen egg is deposited in specially rebuilt for this elongated bowl, which is formed by a gradual superstructure side walls of wax;
- Three days later the egg larva appears, that bees start to feed plenty royal jelly;
- from the fourth to the seventh day it continues its development in an open mysochtsi;
- on the eighth day of closing insects;
- from the ninth to the twelfth day of the future individual is able predkukolkovomu;
- from the thirteenth to sixteenth – this is a doll;
- The next day the queen release from prison.
Puberty lasts 7-10 days, before the end of the uterus begin to operate special gland, located on the abdomen, which produce fragrant specific pheromones, promoting the involvement of drones during mating flight.
All the time she gets royal jelly by worker bees.
The role of the uterus in bdzholosim'yi
After completion of, queen flies out of the hive, where he met with males. She tries to fly away, other hives, To avoid dilution of affinity.
If adverse weather hurt non-flying drones to carry out insemination of females during the month, it ultimately becomes barren. This is called Mother bees trutivka.
Once fertilized queen, is 3-7 days, it becomes harder and begin laying eggs.
It can lay eggs two types: fertilized and not fertilized.
On the first working individuals continue to come, and the second – drones. Completely healthy specimen lay day 1-2 thousands of eggs, weight exceeds the weight of her own body.
The total number of eggs per season is about 100-200 thousand. Before postpone egg, Mother bees down in the center of the head and checking the degree of preparedness of the adoption of a new life.
Then she sows cell and moves to the next. Delaying one egg takes about 40-50 seconds. Begin laying falls in February and ends with the onset of sustained cold snap.
Young old specimen exceeds in performance, The greatest intensity of which occurs in the first few years of her life.
Then egg productivity is reduced gradually eroding. Although usually life expectancy 3-5 years, keep it longer productive age is not recommended.
Reasons for change in the uterus
Natural change uterus occurs in two ways:: silent change and swarming. The first one wherein, that replacement occurs within the nest, without departing swarm out and dividing families.
If the bees are deprived of the uterus through her sudden death, then the whole family suffers: its productivity and efficiency are reduced, bad is collected feed, health and housing construction WTO.
Reduced or no brood.
The concentration of specific substances, which is controlled by worker bees, bdzholosim'ya falls and starts to take emergency measures, contributing to the spare output cancer, the so-called Svishcheva.
queen, bees that build in both cases, can be distinguished even look:
- swarm. This kind of bees build in the period, prior swarming. Usually they are alone or in pairs on cell edges or on the edges of large holes in wax. From the outside resembles an inverted cup and has a thick wall. During the growth of larvae wall finish building gradually and eventually takes the form of mother liquor acorn, end hanging down.
- sinus. For the construction of bees choose any suitable cell with young larvae not older than two to three days of age and begin to feed her in a special way. As the bee larvae mother liquor by increasing cell, Located in the neighborhood, zahynayuchy it down.
Replacing or replanting cancer
In practice there are many cases of beekeepers, which should replace the old worn uterus or make new replanting in case of death of predecessor. Make it not so easy, because the bees perceive new uterus unwillingly and try to kill it.
To bee uterus was pidsadzhenu, all manipulations with it should be done in stages:
- First, check the frame for the queen and Svishcheva, if they are found, immediately remove them.
- Old vidzhyvshu uterus need to catch, placed in a special little box with pre-placed there Kandy.
- Cage to leave a day between frames rozplodnymy.
- Then remove it, remove the old and put in its place a young uterus.
- After another day should look to bees and check how they make it.
- If bees behave calmly and Mother bees are trying to feed through reschitku, there is no doubt, that it will be adopted by all other bees.
- Now you can release the uterus to her new family.
One more, a convenient way of replanting, is to use a special mesh cap, which put the uterus.
Then attach accessories to the frame with brood, which allows the uterus, which lies beneath, sow their eggs cells.
This will facilitate ago, bees better take uterus. In multi-hives for replanting uterus may use a small bee vidvodok.
For this first placed in a separate hive of bees and some pidsidaye them in a small cage uterus.
If all goes well and these bees will take her to him, then later building with rozplodnoho Yoke need to put on the body, where the main family, separated by a sheet of paper, making a couple of holes.
When insects prohryzut it and unite, new queen joins the old and the fight, probably, kill her.
The withdrawal of queen bees
For new cancer, designed for replacing or expanding families were present, you need to take care of their breeding.
There are several methods of breeding:
- swarming. This natural method of reproduction suitable for small apiaries, which do not have much spare females. The best effect will be observed at the exit swarm with strong bdzholosim'yi, swarm queen cells which were laid in phase medosbora. Then perhaps get quite active uterus. For females left the swarm queen, need one week after departure swarm hot knife to cut them all, but one, leaving half a centimeter cell at the base. Then select the largest and graft them by families, which required its replacement.
- fistulas matochniki. It is believed, such use should not matochniki, as are almost always displayed weak uterus. But beekeeping practice does not always confirm this. If the family is strong, Youth uterine fistula go no worse swarm.
- artificial breeding. This is very time-consuming, long, which require specialized knowledge, but at the same time the most efficient and effective method, which allows to control the process of withdrawal and the number of high quality mares, derived from bee colonies with the best performance on productivity, hardiness, disease resistance, peace and neroylyvosti. These are selected bdzholosim'yi autumn, to be used next spring as families, educators for future output females.
4 Responses
[…] New brood poorly developed, there is a quiet change in the uterus. […]
[…] matriarchy. At the head of each family is queen — queen. It is a nest of individuals responsible for […]
[…] uterus. […]
[…] full of bees — uterus, worker bees and drones. Recently represent […]