Bees in September
Bees in September: Preparation for winter apiary.
September – the first month of autumn.
This period is very warm, but feeling the approach of cold weather in the air.
In September, the bees gradually begin to prepare to winter, and before the month is already complete feeding insects.
Beekeeping in September: to start preparing for winter apiary?
Work in the apiary in September, comprises the following steps:
- Preparation and maintenance of bees fertilizing winter.
- Insulation bee hives, if you will be wintering in the open.
- Overview of bee families, theft tracking.
- nutrient: the quantity and quality of honey
Honey leave their calculation on 3 kg 1 beer street. In principle, for 8 fully cased insects framework rather 25 kg of honey.
These works are carried out until mid-late September, because as an additional feeding sugar syrup used.
If the honey in the hive enough for the winter, then it is replaced by special feed
It's not only the number, but the quality of honey. Good will be wintering on light grades.
But that quickly crystallized varieties (Rape, honeydew, of heather or Sunflower honey) not suitable.
These varieties can feed the bees in the spring, when they successfully complete the first overflights.
Besides honey bee ambrosia and family provide sugar syrup.
On 1 frame bees have honey and syrup 70 and 30% in accordance. also set 2 full frame ambrosia.
Provides a framework with honey on the perimeter of the hive: before os – less loaded, and on the sides – heaviest. So, any of the slot insects find food.
By early or mid-September to leave the hive drones, their presence indicates the disorder in bees.
Note, insects that prefer a frame with brown centers, and if it is found honey white frame, they will move food.
This behavior can lead to conflict and family separation.
It is recommended to keep a diary, which will be recorded:
- Quantities of food (ratio honey and syrup, rules cerago).
- number of frames.
- number of frames, covered with bees, as the way to determine the strength of the family.
- Age uterus.
Insulation hives
In each hive should put the tray so, that formed the space under the frame to 100 mm.
In the bike leaving a small amount of frames, as much, as needed for planting bee.
Before laying insulation inspect hives at no leaks or cracks, close them.
In September responsibly go to the workpiece insulated layer.
If you use hay or other plants, Take care, that they were no seeds.
If the bike does not occupy the entire building, then its sides closed wooden planks, which smooth out the impact of cold winter winds.
In utvorylyvshyhsya laid cracks insulating cushion, and above all re-sealed bag special.
Another way of warming – This mounting box, in size 30-40 cm superior to hive.
But insulation is not made until the end of September or early October, hives also did not budge from the place.
In pre-prepared, but well insulated houses insects experiencing first autumn frosts.
Overview of bee colonies
Review needed to determine the strength of each family, old or young, formed new layers.
When viewed unproductive weak family vidbrakovuyut, defines itself and those, want to connect with parent.