Bees breed bakfast: reviews, a photo, video.
Currently, the most popular breed of bees is bakfastskaya.
Of course, for good reason.
Bees are easy to care Bakfast, dilution, well withstand adverse conditions (just wintering), and most important, easily cope with them, they are quite passive in terms of health hive.
That is, even inexperienced beekeeper can be sure, that is not subjected to attack.
Background output breeds were the. The point is, that at some time there was a serious problem of mass destruction bee tracheal mite.
Treat the disease was very difficult, and in a few days dying goals apiary.
This problem seriously puzzled all beekeepers. As a result, scientists began to conclude breed, to be protected from illness.
Admittedly, it turned out they. Origin Bakfast British.
first, who took up the new breed, Adam was an English priest. The basis for the creation bakfastskoyi breed bees became another breed – Italian.
To derive needed to explore the Asian species. The point is, they for some reason could resist the parasite.
It took a lot of traveling and bring queens from around the world.
By the way, nowadays you can do this easily: is bdzhololomatky bakfast offers from Germany (the Internet can find a more detailed description of the order options).
All managed at once.
It is, in general, the output breeds took over 10 years.
The result has been created so-called viable form, which in our time has found global popularity.
Perhaps, continue to be another disease, and will display something new, but is now difficult to find something better, than Bakfast.
Looks few darker bee, than Italian, this can be seen in the photo.
Interestingly, which further proved, These bees are suitable not only for wet and foggy climate English.
Insects can adapt to different conditions, example, to dry.
Increased pressure does adverse effects. Another interesting fact: cancer can interbreed with other species.
If you read the reviews online, it becomes clear, this method is often practiced beekeepers (See description of the method in the literature).
Read: Ukrainian steppe species of bees: specifications.
As a result of significant widespread breed of bee Bakfast, and as such deserve appreciation.
Distribution bakfastu
Bakfastskih bees, as mentioned, many around the world. But often say, purebred breed that presently can not meet.
It happened, in every region of bees crossed with other, to get a better view. As a result, their bees each country.
Observe, so that swarming active, as needed.
That queen lays eggs for a long time.
A man these insects rarely attack, but in any case it is recommended to check the hives in bad weather.
Bakfastskih winter bees usually placed in bdjolopaketi, where they feel great. Even experiencing the coldest winter.
Benefits breed bakfast
Define the main advantages of this breed. The most important advantage is the excellent resistance to the kind of dangerous diseases, such as
They can be transplanted to other hives and mix. This is a big plus, as with other types of this trick does not work.
Hives not conflict. Of course, importantly, produced a large number of high quality honey.
This is a breed of its kind exclusive, which many breeders consider probably the best of all existing species.
Its representatives have the following characteristics:
- Excellent performance. In Bakfast largest collection rate of total honey, that is higher than all other breeds.
- efficiency. Insects fly by actively tricks, bringing the largest reserves of nectar or pollen.
- High flight capacity. Bees can work even in cloudy weather, despite, no sun, many honey plants are closed.
- Ability to distant Flight tricks. In search of feed stocks working individuals are able to fly long distances.
- The good reproductive ability of the uterus. It lays eggs without crashing, providing a steady increase in number of colonies.
- Low level roylyvosti. Bdzholosim'ya using protyvoroyovyh methods easily transferred to a working state.
- Distinctive adaptability to changing environmental conditions. Adults working individuals remain active, stable and productive work in uncomfortable weather conditions.
- peacefulness. Bees Bakfast not show too much aggression and anxiety often attack their facility.
- Peaceful nature. Bees differ compliant nature. This allows beekeeper inspect hives at any convenient time for this, not paying attention to its residents.
- Sharp sense of smell and good eyesight. They are perfectly oriented in space and do not wander.
- Enhanced cleanliness. Bees – Bakfast carefully maintain their homes in a constant clean. They are working so hard, that beekeeper working with a hive is almost nothing left to do.
As noted, different kind of low aggression, that bees do not attack Beekeeper.
Lines Bakfast
Breed – This is a large community of one species of insects, breeders artificially created and a common history of.
It is characterized by specific properties beneficial to humans, that inherited.
Each breed lines exist.
This kind of group of individuals, originating from another famous ancestor and is characterized by the same qualities with him valuable.
Lines breed Bakfast quite varied and arbitrarily divided into groups, which marked ciphers, Here is a description of some of them:
Read: Carpathian bee: specifications, advantages.
- BUT 199. large families, spring quickly enter into force and regardless of any weather conditions support it in that condition for summer. Well bribes are working on early and prolonged migrations. BUT 199 – excellent commercial area.
- AT 26. This classic embodiment Bakfast. Representatives of lines inherent mild spring increasing population, reaching a peak in the summer. Bees characteristic gentle nature, increased medosbor, quiet location on the frame. At the same time this is a great material for various breeding combinations, a paternal, and maternal.
- AT 204. High performance bees, the rapid development of spring and summer high range of working part. Insects strong, great, peaceful, creating strong families. For Mother bees typical of early termination of oviposition, bee – amicable growing brood. Efficiency – excellent. Known as the classic line of commercial orientation.
- AT 252. It is only the paternal line and bred for breeding. Stairs to first-line Bakfast, but plus the genes used infusion Far Eastern counterparts. It is necessary to improve the viability of families and their ability to resist disease.
- AT 327. Bees harmless, obedient and obedient. Insects are building a nice nest, honeycomb seal smooth white seal. In typical hive almost complete absence of bee glue – propolis. Medosbor and power of the average. IN 327 – Exhibition purely version.
- R 214. In its creation participated Far bees. Representatives from major line, dark color, creating a medium number of families. Effectively working on summer and autumn medosbora. Not susceptible to viral infections and tick. R 218 has similar qualities.
Bakfast video
6 Responses
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