Beekeeping abroad
Industrial beekeeping abroad.
In the Russian Empire industrial beekeeping began to develop in the nineteenth century, when the first large-scale world's largest apiary in 10 thousands of bee colonies.
When her school organized beekeeping, which came to learn from around the world.
Industrial beekeeping in the US
Specialized apiculture in the United States in the following areas: breeding species, honey production and pollination.
In America, well developed beekeeping:
- industrial apiaries with the number of bee colonies ≥ 500 pcs – close 3 thousand;
- apiaries with the number of bee colonies 50-500 pieces are about 30 thousand;
- amateur beekeepers with the number of families ≤ 50 – almost 200 thousand.
Interesting, income that owners of industrial apiaries in the United States consist in 2/3 of the profits from the sale of honey, and on 1/3 income from pollination of crops – Bees this lease.
Apiary considered unprofitable, if its activity – is the production of bee products.
When exporting bees to the field during flowering apiary receives an allowance for each bdzholosim'yu in the amount of 20 kg of honey.
US industrial apiary have a clear specialization, All processes with high costs (example, pumping honey, loading and unloading hives for going on migrations, etc.) mechanized and computerized, because their productivity is very high – one of the beekeeper to have a half-two thousand bee colonies.
To attention, apiary industry in the United States annually produce about 110 th. onn honey or in terms of 1 person – 0,5 kg, while consuming 0,67 kg.
Read: Lift your hands hives.
In average, One bee family produces 20 kg of honey, whereas in Canada – 40 kg.
Industrial beekeeping Canada
First the bees trapped in Canada 250 years ago. Bred in their straw-hive sapetkah.
Currently in Canada, there are about 10 thousands of beekeepers and about 600 thousands of bee colonies.
Mainly, industrial apiaries honey produced in Canada – year to get it 33 th. tonnes, half exported to the US.
The quality of honey strictly follows the Canadian Agency for food control.
The average size of Canadian industrial apiary is about 2 thousands of bee colonies.
Work on large apiaries fully automated.
A significant share of the profits obtained by Canadian beekeepers pollinate fields, in particular, rape, and the south – plantations of fruit trees in gardens, berry bushes – raspberries and cranberries.
At pollination by 1 Hive pay 150 CDN.
Prepare honey apiaries industrial products sold in Canada to wholesalers.
also read: Setting the second building on the hive.
Worldwide Canadian honey is valued highly enough, has excellent reviews and sold at a good price.
Beekeeping in France
France officially registered about 70 thousands of apiaries, which fall into two categories: lovers, having to 150 bdjolosimey – it 97% all beekeepers, other – professionals.
Industrial apiary (are only 3%) produce 50% marketable honey in the country, annually – to 1,6 thousand tons of honey.
France is the center of beekeeping in Europe.
Beekeeping New Zealand
200 New Zealand thousand bee colonies produce 6 tons annually, it almost 30 kg every family.
Productivity is very high industrial apiaries, and serves apiary beekeeper, moving from one to another by car.
Mainly, New Zealand produce honey eucalyptic, very valuable for its medicinal qualities, with a bitter taste and specific flavor.
Read: Painting hives: like what.
The country produced per person 1,8 kg of honey for consumption 1,6 kg.
Beekeeping Australia
Australian beekeeping so famous, that through the efforts of sanitary and veterinary services in the country there varoatozu and much less, than elsewhere, Other common bee diseases and parasites.
80% Australian honey is eucalyptic. One family makes to 39 kg of honey, and in some western parts of Australia the performance of bee colonies 200 kg.
In Australia, there is strict quality control of honey for the presence of antibiotics in it.
IN 2013 year drought occurred in Australia, then sharply reduced the number of families, and honey production halved.
It may be noted, that production honey industrial scale depends on economic, policy, social problems of the state and to a large extent on climatic anomalies, that arise from time to time in one or another country.