Anti-cellulite honey massage

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Антицелюлітний медовий масажAnti-cellulite honey massage: benefit, how to make?

Many women face the problem of cellulite.

And it can occur not only in women, are overweight.

Often ugly orange peel on the skin, present in fairly slender ladies.

A great way to combat cellulite – cellulite honey massage at home.

This type of massage is easy to do yourself.

It is made using honey, with little mechanical action on problem areas, using hands.

Who and what is useful?

Bee products have many unique properties. honey – vivid proof.

It can be used to prevent and treat various diseases of the human body.

As well as cosmetic purposes. It perfectly fills the skin with necessary microelements, making it supple and smooth.Масаж з медом для схуднення

Honey massage helps eliminate cellulite orange peel, helps fight obesity.

Honey actively penetrates the body, stimulates the capillaries and blood vessels, improves blood circulation, This is due to the enrichment of important components.

When exposed pcheloprodukty the surface of the body during the procedure, cleaned pores, removes dead skin particles, the skin becomes more delicate, silky.

With honey massage for losing weight at home, you can easily bring, your body in shape, get rid of unnecessary sentiments in the hips and abdomen.

Of course, it must be used in conjunction with physical activity, proper nutrition, diets, Honey wrap and healthy lifestyle.

Use a similar technique can women and girls of all ages.

Low cost necessary for the procedure of the main component, required for the procedure, favorably with the prices session beauty in beauty salons.

This option will be interesting for people, who can not afford expensive trips to showrooms.


However, With all the positive qualities, honey massage has some contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • varicose veins;
  • allergic reactions;
  • infected, sores;
  • heart disease;
  • tumor formation.

Read more: Cream with beeswax at home.

Even in the presence of a contraindication, You can find a way, how to apply massage.

Example, varicose veins in the legs, this procedure can be used on the waist.

With heart disease, Do not use on top of the body.

Things to consider: before, start treatment bee products, consult your doctor.


Before making honey massage cellulite, should ensure no allergies.

This will avoid unpleasant consequences. For the procedure, need natural honey.

Better to buy a product in reliable suppliers. So you will be assured of its quality and naturalness.

When using the product of poor quality, little effect of massage is still manifest, however, skin and body does not get the vitamins and minerals, contained in natural bee honey.

Bee products should be fresh and liquid. If there candied honey, You can melt it in a water bath.

It is recommended to heat it at 40-45 WITH.

When the procedure, You can mix different flavors oils:

  • orange;
  • lemon;
  • eucalyptus;
  • juniper;
  • lavender.

Read: Honey and Salt bath: how to use.

Add oil necessary to 5 drops to 1 year. l. honey. You not only get cellulite massage, but aromatherapy.

Oils give your skin vitamins and nutrients. Oil added directly to the cosmetic procedure.

Як зробити антицелюлітний медовий масаж для схудненняMany do not know, how to make honey-cellulite massage from yourself.

The technology is quite simple, One has only to try and succeed.

Apply honey on the body should be evenly.

The amounts of the product should be enough, to hand firmly stuck to the skin, but not drowning in it.

Each problem area is treated individually. After applying means, need hand held tightly to the body, then abruptly vydernut.

The pace and power of manipulation gradually increase. When pressed palms, Honey tightly fills the pores.

In the hands of isolation – it takes away all unnecessary, opens the pores. Due to the harsh hand margin of the skin, there is an influence on body fat.

It softens, smoothed. With regular procedures, orange peel away.

Each part of the body should handle about 10 minutes. There are faint pain, a palm slap on bare body.

In the process you will notice, honey changes the texture and appearance.

It absorbs toxins and horny tissue, becomes less sticky, most viscous, begins to stretch like chewing gum.

By the end of the procedure, Honey weight becomes dirty white, remain almost entirely on the palms.

The skin turns red, be heated. At the first session, may cause small bruises.

Subsequently, body adapts, pain disappear. This usually occurs in 3-4 session.

Upon completion of the procedure, the skin should be washed with warm water.

Hard sponges should not be used – Leather is very soft and gentle, be damaged.

Then it is necessary to grease moisturizing milk or cream.

Massage will be a great helper to create the ideal figure.

Should carry out the procedure 2-3 times a week, so the skin will relax.

In the meantime, you can use other treatment options, example, honey wrap.

Bee gift returns body beauty and radiance, rejuvenate skin, make it smooth.

Help to cope with cellulite. After sessions, she feels the influx of vitality, improves mood.

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