Akarapidoz bees: features, treatment, prevention, preparations.
Akarapidoz (akaroz) bees – invaziynna adult disease, accompanied by a lesion of respiratory, following strong weakening of the body and ends with the death of insects.
Caused by a parasite Acarapis woodi – very small mite, which enters the body through December bee spiracles. He then enters the first pair of thoracic trachea, attached to them and starts to eat hemolymph.
Mite may settle at the base of the wings, piercing chitin in the place, where it is thinner and weaker. After a while, the female mite begin to multiply, postponing some eggs on the surface of the affected organ.
Passes 5 days are larvae, which in turn first nymph, and then in the adult insect. Full development cycle takes 2 week, overall life expectancy – 1,5 month. strengthened multiply, destroys tissue trachea mite, leading to the formation of necrotic lesions on them.
Affected breathing tube through the curled on the surface hemolymph, excreta and carcasses of parasites, are not flexible and lose their ability to pass oxygen to tissues and organs bees.
With a significant increase in the population of ticks (one insect at the time the highest brood can nalichuvatysya more 150 pieces of individuals), they can fill the entire lumen of the trachea, leading to difficulty in breathing bees or its complete inability, in accordance, to death.
The source of infection is always akarapidozom only live bees, as well as outside the body of insects and mites are not viable in itself can not exist. Those, located in the living condition inside the hive to the comb, without the owner kept only a very short time.
Dead bees also bear no threat. vermin, within their trachea, quickly lose viability and die.
Distributed disease from infected to healthy insects mainly the purchase of new bee unknown quality material, which has not passed a preliminary veterinary checks never received a certificate.
Unrestrained sale bees apiaries disadvantaged by akarapidozu – one of the main pathways of disease. Of transmission can also occur when combining badly weakened or developing bees, pidsadzhenni infected females.
Also, the cause of contamination can be akarapidozom Roe, or wandering individuals who steal, ticks transmit healthy bees in close contact with them.
How to recognize the disease
Akarapidoz – prolonged and chronic disease. It develops slowly and gradually. Since the first infected bees to the peak of the disease is about 3-5 years.
The initial stage in most cases is hidden, because at this time of any significant changes in the bees practically invisible.
Then follows the acute form, obvious signs of infection which is detected by one third to one half of its members bees.
Common symptoms, which can be observed during infection akarapidozom large number of insects can be described like this:
- Bees during wintering much worried, forming a loose loose club, individual copies without departing from the hive and die soon.
- The number of infected hives in pidmoru. In the dead bees observed enlarged abdomen.
- On the walls of the hives visible spots of liquid feces.
- Early in the spring during the first flyby or after a prolonged period of non-flying insects in summer unhealthy hive crawling around on the ground or you can see them on the board prylitniy.
- They are constantly trying to fly, but then fall, unable properly to the air.
- Wings many of them incorrectly folded or placed sideways (raskrilіtsa), which is due to degeneration and pathological changes due to illness pectoral muscles. These insects are collected in piles and die.
These symptoms are not specific and any special external features, distinguishing the disease from other bee diseases, akarapidoz has. It is evident that the bees patients, but on the basis of mere observations of bees correctly identify the disease fail.
Accurate diagnosis can be obtained only by microscopic examination of pathological material, taken from bees, suspects on akarapidoz.
With the opening of these insects can be seen, that affected trachea covered with yellow-brown or black spots, which often merge, and she tracheal tube is fragile and easily broken. In the cavity of the tube to be plenty of live ticks, larvae and their secretions.
After identifying mite the apiary and territory, which surrounds, impose compulsory quarantine of at least a year from the time of detection of the disease.
bees, where bees are suffering from massive tick, best to destroy.
This can be done by infected bees fumigation with sulfur dioxide or formaldehyde with subsequent burning. Remaining with the brood eliminated insects completely safe, because it can be safely used in healthy bees.
Hives, previously occupied by the affected families, and the scope of them can be used in a week, as well as for hand tools.
Treatment akarapidozu
bees, akarapidoz which has not yet reached alarming proportions, destroy impractical, better to try to cure them. Events, aimed at the destruction of ticks, engaged from the beginning of May and if necessary the end of August.
The treatment is carried drugs in aerosol form. To do this, use efirsulfonat, etildixlorbenzilat, folbeks and tedion.
This is done so:
- Before treatment to remove frames from the hive extreme, formed so that little space between the last board and plug the nesting box. On top of the framework should be put thick paper, available in liquid hive cracks obscure stick with clay or paper of the same. Treatment should be held in the evening after returning worker bees.
- One cardboard strip (a single dose of drug, designed for a family of medium strength) should be strengthened on the wire and burn. Smoldering end of the strip is introduced into the hive letok. Lotkovyy hole close. Medication is left there for a while.
- If the drug is for the treatment of bees tablets, example, These include tedion, it should burn and put a metal plate in slot, it reached to the middle of the hive.
The duration depends on fumigation drug. Tedion processing time is at least five hours, efirsulfonat – about two.
Etildihlorbenzilat rather keep the hive in one hour, and even less folbeks – half an hour.
When the treatment is finished, eye open, remove paper and ventilation holes in the lid.
Fumigation all means, except folbeksa, spend at least 8 times with an interval between treatments is Week.
Treatment folbeksom spend a day. This should be done at least 10 time.
What else can help:
- Good effect in the fight against drug akarapidozom provides akarasan. The treatment is carried out in the morning and evening, dropping one in each strip dysfunctional hive. Spring fumigation is carried out before the first flyby, fall – immediately after pumping honey.
- For the treatment of bees akarapidozu spring and autumn can also be used menthol crystal. A sachet of a vehicle problem lies at the bottom of the hive. There is evidence, extending pair of menthol adversely affect the performance of bees, so it should be used with caution. Hold it there for a track 1,5 months.
- Some beekeepers use formic acid vapor concentrated. Hive fumigated three times for three consecutive days, maintaining the interval between them 6-7 days.
The effectiveness of the treatment measures determined in vetlaboratoriyi conducting microscopic analysis of specimens treated hives.
If the test yields positive results, mite presence is detected, continue treatment until the complete disappearance of the parasite.
Prevention akarapidozu
To prevent the spread of the apiary akarapidozu, The following warning should be disease events: Just purchased new packages of bees must first leave in quarantine in a specially designated hives.
If health they are okay, then we can settle it between other insects. Prevent swarming, To bee hive from different could not communicate with each other.
Subscribe bees thief during stop stealing cases of beer, so that contact with healthy patients insects can occur and thus.
Replace queens infected families in the new. Stimulate the first spring bees flying around. Provide them benign food sufficient. How can we continue to spend the autumn feeding of bees.
Distribution akarapidozu on apiaries can be compared to a real disaster. The complexity and stealth diagnosis of the disease is complemented by the fact, Self bees react poorly to many drugs and with possible loss of mites and a number of insects. It is better to avoid it.
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