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Increase in productivity: 8 tips for gardeners, to avoid common mistakes

Every summer resident dreams of a big harvest. However, not everyone can achieve this. By trial and error, each owner selects care, fertilizers, looking for the optimal place for planting plants. However, there are the most common mistakes, which can be avoided and, the same team, get the desired results.

Advice from experts

If you find out about that, when to plant vegetables, it is enough to find a sowing calendar 2023, then it is almost impossible to learn all the features of caring for different plants, because each area has its own characteristics, soil composition, etc. d.
Some mistakes can lead to the loss of part of the crop. To avoid them, the following rules should be followed:

  • correctly calculate the size of the plants. It should be taken into account, how much space a particular plant will take up. Example, mature trees often have to be transplanted, as they form a shadow, in which vegetables do not grow. In accordance, the shaded area will be empty;
  • observe crop rotation. It is worth changing the places of planting different crops at least once every few years. Otherwise, the soil will be depleted over the years, and pests and diseases will gradually destroy the entire crop;
  • choose the right place for landing. Weather conditions should be taken into account, who like specific cultures (penumbra, sunny areas, protection from the wind, etc. d.). Otherwise, the plant can dry out quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to select a culture for a specific area, not vice versa;
  • do not experiment. Beginner summer residents are often attracted to exotic plants, which are atypical for the Ukrainian climate. It is worth considering that fact, that they are very demanding in care and need constant attention. Therefore, if there is a desire to experiment, to begin with, it is enough to plant only 1-2 exotic plants;
  • do not forget about autumn digging. Thoughts on that, that in the winter the weeds will still freeze and will not appear again in the spring, is false. After the completion of all works in the fall, the site should be dug up, because pests will remain to winter in the upper layers of the soil;
  • use of suitable fertilizers. Uncontrolled feeding of vegetables leads to their death. In this case, it is better to fertilize less, than more. It is also important to choose the right fertilizers. Example, universal means are not suitable for potatoes, because it reacts negatively to chlorine. Do not forget about the rules of their introduction. Dry fertilizers should be used only then, when the soil is wet;
  • shelter plants correctly and in a timely manner. Do not rush and cover the seedlings with a film, if the air temperature is high enough. Otherwise, it is almost impossible to avoid rotting of plants. Therefore, they should be covered only at the onset of frost;
  • do not burn plant residues in the garden. It is not only prohibited by law, and harms the soil. In that place, where plants were burned, nothing will grow.

If not only vegetables grow in the garden, and fruit trees and bushes, it is necessary to cut them correctly. Many summer residents remove flower buds and damage healthy branches. Therefore, without sufficient knowledge, it is better not to perform these works, because you can lose almost the entire crop.

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